tried to roleplay the legend of zelda fanfiction. could not roleplay the legend of zelda fanfiction. 1/5 stars.

watching leon kennedy's dirty blonde curtain hair sway in the wind as he shot zombies in the head changed me as a 10 year old. also the wii was the superior version.

This game is the pinnacle of the sims. There is nothing better than this game. The Sims 4 WISHES that it was this game. But it's not. Maxis peaked here before the capitalistic overlord EA Games bought them out and the soul in this franchise was lost forever. They just don't do it like this anymore. Where's the charm. Where's the LOVE. Where's the PASSION??? It died with the Sims 2. That's where it went. Eat my entire ass EA.

this game only served to remind me that I was a lonely only child with no friends, and for that I can never forgive it.

Not as good as everything or nothing. also snow.

10 years old. A Friday night. Me and a tall glass of milk. This game. Mission 12. Locked in doing nothing but driving that car like it was GTA.

Favorite Super Mario. Delfino Island being the central hub was so magical; many childhood memories spent in this world. Loved every bit of it. Plus powerwashing.

Literally got a Gamecube when this game came out because my dad wanted to play the newest Zelda game (': Some of my happiest childhood memories were playing this game.

Love the cover more than I did the game but Leon is iconic and the ost slaps, will always have a fondness for this one

will never forget renting this game at blockbuster but it was for the dreamcast and I had never heard of the dreamcast so I thought it was a fake console and I was so upset because all I wanted was to play the fun dolphin game and after sadly taking it back I eventually got the ps2 version and it was the best game ever even though I was terrified of the shark fuck that shark I have thalassaphobia

this didn't work on our e machine and im still mad about it

the least favorite child of the blue's clues games