I loved this game back in 2016 😭only if I knew....

2 stars just for the cool artstyle & a new tumblr sexyman, the rest of the game is just a huge joke lol

My first time playing, and I already met a nazi, then someone called me names, and then one girl tried to "steal" my number LMAO

idk why but this game is so stresfull for me :,)

my parents play this everyday, and now my brother involved me into this cult too....
literally everyone in this house plays brawl stars, help 😭

I cannot get myself to really rate games like this, usually I just give them 5-stars. It's a part of video game history at it's rawest moment, and, obviously, compared to what we have now, they always feel rather mehhh, but people might had fun with it at the times

pretty cute short visual novel with interesting story. I remember playing it in 2015 and how much I cried over the story X,D. Maybe I'll go through this again some day

kinda boring, but my monstersona slayed💅💅💅

my brother bought one of those bootleg "100 games in 1 console omggg 🤯" and there was this game. It was fun until it literally broke on the final boss

It's not that bad, but not a blast. It was fun for a while, until I got to the first boss fight and this is just broke my tiny brain. This "3D" is already pretty confusing, but that was too much... my thumb still hurts...
At least it better than Sonic Blast

It's really better than I thought! And my tiny brain process this properly now hehe

the game itself is dry, but the title theme slaps XD
Tbh, I actually like the idea, I would be happy to see a good sequel or a remake of Buck Bumble one day.

discovered Animal Jam yesterday. I think it's one of the best web games for kids out there so far (also I hope I'm not the only one who reads through every fact I encounter LMAO), I enjoyed classic more than the new one, BUT IT ALSO FRUSTRATES ME MORE CUZ PRACTICALLY EVERY ITEM IN THE SHOP IS FOR MEMBERS ONLY i just wanna some funky headphones