24 Reviews liked by linkcrossing

Great set-up, good start! unfortunately, even with a walkthrough at your side, the game quality gets worse as the game goes on.

There being like 1 or 2 major softlock moments per chapter is unacceptable.

If I pick up an item too early or hand in an item too early, boom. Cannot complete the game.
These are bugs that were in the original but they faithfully kept for the remaster, is my understanding.

The most annoying softlock required many game restarts. Every time I'd interact with a story important puzzle, id fall through the map endlessly.

0 idea why or how, as i did the puzzle flawlessly first try, but reloaded a save because i missed an achievement. It was this second attempt to solve the puzzle that slowed everything down to a halt.
Again, this bug is 25 years old.

The most jarring part about the remaster is the load times are practically instant. This makes for pretty uncomfortable pacing. You'll be somewhere completely new, with a new cast of characters, seeing the aftermath of something that was implied to happen off screen. One minute you're black mailing a lawyer to handle a case for you, the next millisecond you're seeing the aftermath of said trial. It's genuinely discombobulating.

Map navigation can be a pain in the ass where you'll click where you want to go, double click to run, and the game is supposed to calculate the best path. Your dude will stop, turn, take weird detours, get stuck- I end up mashing click like an RTS to get around faster. Some rooms are so difficult to find the right area to click on so I switch to walking with arrow keys when close enough.

Inventory is slow to navigate with no indication what item is next in queue. You click inventory, Manny pulls out 1 item from his coat. Click left or right arrow to cycle through. Which should i choose? What will get to the item i want, fastest? Who knows. Hope you picked the right one, else you watch Manny pull out, and put away each trinket you own.

Puzzles and progression are trial and error. Pick up everything you see, hand over every item you have to every NPC to see what they do. This wouldn't be so much of a problem (it sucks) if there weren't so many softlock pitfalls. I'm actively punished for doing things out of order! And not every softlock is obvious, oh no. You could feasibly keep playing a bit longer, not knowing when you'll reach an impasse.

The audio balance is pretty good. Unsure if that's thanks in part of the remaster, but a lot of games like this can struggle with the dialogue being clear or leveled.
The remaster looks nice! The shadows on the main character as I walk around is impressive.

Best cast, presentation, overall soundtrack. I think the end was a little funny, a tad confusing. Some mixed signals.
I think this is the best DR game.

This game is longer than it needed to be. None of the minigames are fun. Cases will bring up obvious reveals but through the lens of a slow taxi game, making plot points drag. Other times they will talk in circles in an effort to make class trials last longer.
The extra modes you unlock after beating the game are horrid. Just awful. I think the character interactions are cute and the idea doesn't seem too bad- IT'S BAD. If you fail to roll high enough to complete laps before time runs out, all of that progress is lost...? Who's idea was this?? Horrible. So much grinding you have to do, across multiple runs. Hard pass.
Also, every Danganronpa game has HORRIBLE audio mixing. It's impressive.

I liked it a lot. It doesn't reach the highs of the answers arc but anything that wasn't the beginning of episode 1 or 2 I thoroughly enjoyed.

The peakest of peak. I'll never read anything better.

Played it back in 2018 when I was in my second semester of college. It doesn’t hold up as well as I remember watching a friend play through but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Super fun! I didn’t like some of the tone changes from persona 4 to Golden but I appreciate the added content.

My favorite persona game that I’ve played so far. The dreary small town setting really hits home for me. The character interactions and friend group feels a lot more believable than 5’s cast. Overall the character interactions and story beats were fun and made for a super enjoyable game.

My personal favorite of the danganronpa trilogy. The setting is much more colorful and fun than 1 and has a bit flashier characters. The game also takes itself less seriously than 1 which made it more fun

Fortunately I never played the game growing up so I had no expectations of greatness nor nostalgia to let me down. It’s a genuinely fun story with a ton of neat characters. A common complaint that I hear from others is that the combat was too slow and random encounters were too often, but they weren’t big enough problems for me to detract from the experience. The soundtrack is also one of my favorites of all time. I still use a ton of FF7 music in my D&D campaigns today. This game made a lasting impact on me and I’m super glad I decided to pick it up even 20 something years after it released.

Grim Fandango is a game I picked up on a whim one day and beat in a single sitting. The puzzles are mostly intuitive but I wouldn’t get on your case if you wanted to use a guide. The visuals, voice acting, and music are all stellar, and they’re what kept me interested till the very end.

One of my biggest comfort games. Nothing beats playing Stardew with some buddies for a few weeks and just hanging out. It’s such a laid back game that I just always find myself coming back to it about once a year for a couple weeks.

They told me to skip it and they were right. The elevators and clunky gameplay were quite frustrating at times. The thing I appreciate most in the game is the rich dialogue, sadly you gotta shoot things awkwardly too.

Such a great improvement from the original Mass Effect. The combat is much more weighty, snappy, and satisfying. Bringing back all of my favorite characters and adding some great new ones was a wonderful work from BioWare. I haven’t played 3 yet but I’m hoping for more of the same :)

Absolutely loved it when I first played it. The visuals and UI carried very hard in retrospect. I enjoyed persona 3 and 4 more than 5, but it’s still a very solid game that was a pleasure to play through.