16 reviews liked by logans

Just going through top rated games and buying ones I don't know turns out to work pretty well lmao this is the second time I did this (other time was with Chants of Sennaar, great game)

Game is really fun and addicting, it's basically a poker roguelike so if you like poker buy it

I actually finished the replay.

Excellently mid. Exactly as I said in my original review.

I wanna avoid a long game rn, was just fucking around for a little bit with it, but...

not bad so far!

cool character interactions and vibes; worldbuilding and plot stuff interacts well. Overall seems to pace wayyyyyyyyyy better than 3 so far with what's going on and what you can do and I haven't even got into a fight yet really. I could start this up again sometime for sure

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This is a gameplay game foremostly. But the little, and at times intrusive story, works with the thought out sandboxy-gameplay in a way that affirms the identity players genuinely find in this sandbox. Your experience is your brush. In what could be a genre perceived in meaninglessness and escapist art, this is a rejection of that.

And that's why the end is so jarring, we're not settling for some cheap killer's story for our feet to fit into. We could not be boiled down to a soul seller simply for playing as a hired killer, and the one who finds no difference in that cheap story and seeks it is closer to the artist who creates the fuck you at the end of the game.

The real artist's ending is the first. The release in this game is not perfect, maybe this escape does not solve everything. The bitter smoking of a cig at the end of it leaves us with many questions, like: who and why are we? but no less beauty of the fact that we are.

so it turns out if you play this game in front of your father, who's favorite games include Bioshock, World of Warcraft (vanilla), and Horizon Zero Dawn, he will ask you to play something else

I hate how so many reviews are about how this is amazing for a free DLC or that you can't complain cuz it's free
It's not "good for a free DLC", it's one of the best sections in media 😭

In some ways it's seemingly more specific than the reach of Super Hot's everyman-ness, but the better 2D and even sandboxier gameplay, along with giving a bit more canvas for imagination and personality in the story department too- makes this the funner and more effective attempt at something like that


Worst game I've ever played.

Takes most critical control away and just wants you to drag yourself to the same thoughtfully crafted flukeortunities over and over until it works. Even when you succeed it's like the most headscratching sensation ever, like "wait wtf just happened? how did that work?" I never felt like the game was smart, I felt maybe like I was attentive enough to sniff out the path to fluke relative early on, but I shouldn't have got my hopes up that there'd be any satisfactory control towards our goal.

All the times when I didn't know what was going on and it took me over and over really made me realize all the wasted time I avoided in fluking those stages early on.

What kind of hope is a fluke tho?

Take the control you have and never play this piece of shit.

If I wasn't using this as background activity with the music I was listening to I would have no excuse to have completed this game. At best it's tedious trial and error, and sometimes cryptic puzzles that serve one-time purpose in exhausting time. The crypticness of the puzzles can make it harder tho ofc unless you look it up (not a function of the game), otherwise slam ur head into a wall like everything else.

Accidentally deleted all my saves after trying to go back to a stage 2 - 9 credit, wasn't too far, just wasn't gonna 1 credit an entire screen where the 1st of two bosses drains ur health automatically so you have to walk in with basically perfect health to make it through, and then there's another boss that has a health bar with length the size of a full school day (and is 1 + 1 levels of design and boring af)

If I could've reloaded on the 2nd level with the 9 credits I would've done it again but my own mistake really reminded me of how valuable my time is, I just don't wanna replay this shit over and over for no reason cuz of bullshit design. It might get better but that one screen was cringe

Maybe I'll come back to this one day with my friends as a challenge thing, it was pretty enjoyable and had a lot going on, catchy music, but having to replay something I felt like I pretty much mastered pissed me off. Don't wanna spend time just mastering every stage and inevitably failing in the next or one after until I 1-credit (or at least ig 1 set of credits) all of it. Not on my own at least

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The ego of escapism and control in videogames. The text isn't too great most of the time, but the presentation and way the gameplay is developed and shared with us over time is definitely solid, especially the ending which says just enough more by saying "Endless mode unlocked". Of all the reds that have been gotten, that little bit of meta got this red the most, even if I never come back. Even more Ironic though, I wish the game gave more control.
