For the Shinobi 3 Heads

Games that feel like, reference, or are often compared to the Genesis classic. Suggestions welcome

The Messenger
The Messenger
Gravity Circuit
Gravity Circuit
Mega Man Zero with a grappling hook and a focus on melee combat - three hit combos, divekicks, very crunchy. Feels like a counterpart to Moonrider - where that game was Shinobi 3 with a bit of Mega Man, this is Mega Man with a bit of Shinobi 3.
Strider 2
Strider 2
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
The One
Mega Man Zero/ZX: Legacy Collection
Mega Man Zero/ZX: Legacy Collection
The Revenge of Shinobi
The Revenge of Shinobi
The predecessor. Slower, more deliberate, with a much more limited moveset. The origin of the much-maligned "Shinobi double-jump," which is good, actually.
Cyber Shadow
Cyber Shadow
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Ninja Five-O
Ninja Five-O
Ganryu 2
Ganryu 2
Despite using an old Visco game license, even the game's storefront description references Shinobi 3, and you can feel it.
Shinobi Legions
Shinobi Legions
An ugly, derivative follow-up with hideous digitized graphics, clunkier controls and boring level design. Worse in every way.
Shinobi II: The Silent Fury
Shinobi II: The Silent Fury
Hagane: The Final Conflict
Hagane: The Final Conflict
Often called "The Shinobi 3 of SNES," on paper this game hits all the marks, but the result plays significantly differently. If Shinobi 3 used Revenge of Shinobi as a jumping-off point, Hagane started with Strider. An interesting game, but very much its own thing.
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shadow Blade: Reload
Not all that much like Shinobi 3, but it's a fluid ninja action platformer with a relatively varied moveset and level of quality that belies its mobile game roots.
Shadow Dancer
Shadow Dancer
Yokai Hunter Shintaro
Yokai Hunter Shintaro
Feels much more like an NES ninja game, but there's a specific reference to Shinobi 3's horseback autoscroller stage.
The G.G. Shinobi
The G.G. Shinobi
Shinobi Non Grata
Shinobi Non Grata
A solid, more approachable take on Ninja Spirit by way of Alien Soldier, with short levels punctuated by frequent boss fights.
Shinobi 3D
Shinobi 3D
A decent western-developed successor, hampered by middling visuals, bland music and a lack of new ideas.
We'll see...
Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider
Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider
The gameplay is Shinobi 3 at its core - running slashes and divekicks - but the full game brings in a host of other influences, from Hagane and Mega Man X to Contra and Super Hang-On. The result is fresh but familiar. A good time, if a little too easy for my tastes.
Within the Blade
Within the Blade
Stealthier, craftier ninja action platformer, but the variety of playstyles supported scratches the itch.


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