this shit had me grinning wickedly from start to finish.

even on the potato graphics settings i needed to stop it lagging, its absurdly beautiful. im an absolute sucker for outdoor chambers and getting to see off into aperture's expanse, so i was eating good for the majority of the time. i also found emilia and stirling endearing, though far from perfectly written they're about as charming as fangame cores get. the story was nice, but ended far too abruptly for my liking, and the post-credits scene took a really out of nowhere tone-shift that just didnt click with me. it didnt feel like it really resolved all that much either.

as far as the puzzles go, the chambers never felt too overly complex or confusingly arranged (PS:M take fucking notes); i had a good time solving them. the new mechanics were super interesting as well, but i really wish they had gotten a chance to interact with each other or pop up in more chambers.

theres some pretty glaring issues here, but the positives are strong enough that the experience as a whole isnt majorly dragged down by its weaknesses. should be noted that i went in just looking to have fun and not much more. if i had to give advice, i'd say: set your expectations accordingly. this is a free fan-made mod (despite what the clickbait headlines about it claimed) so you'll have to make allowance for some rough edges, but it absolutely makes up for it with the good it has to offer.

i will never play this bc it gives "middle-aged man who doesnt play abt pewdiepie"

Joe many twin sisters does it take to solve a tos by chomb????? None , their to busy ???? Their backrooms 😂😂😂😂😂😂

trash tailor-made to appeal to me in 2016

would be great (even it doing that sometimes is more charming than anything) if red mountain and sky chase act 2 werent actual torture