Excellent, maybe a little short but considering it's an old game at first, then can't complain about that.

Game is good, but feels like an Expanded and Enhanced version of Gran Turismo Sport.


There is no mistake with this game.
It could be longer but that's it, no mistakes at ALL. Great game.

It just becomes bad. I couldn't even finish the game because you need to restart at least 100+ times and do the same sh*t again and again to find a single clue that goes finally to nowhere. 2 Stars because Willem Dafoe is in the game but that's all.

Good game, maybe not as memorable as the first one.
Story’s okay, but the ending is kinda weird to me. However, it’s a very good looking game.

Short indeed, but I'm a bit sad that there won't be any sequel, it's story and universe is so interesting and original. But yeah, not worth 60€ at release.

Maybe the worst FPS I've ever played.
I know that I am 10 years late, but 10 years ago, Call of Duty Ghosts came out and was better than this game, even though Ghosts is one of the worst Call of Duty.

I'm so upset they came with a reboot like this, even some mechanics of parkour looks like they slow you and it infuriates me as hell when you see that Mirror's Edge do better than Catalyst in this section. But it's also Mirror's Edge. I love so much this franchise, but I'm really upset about it. I wish for a third one but I know that it won't be better than first one.

I love making reviews of video games but Life is Strange 2 empties my mouth.
I can’t say that I liked the story but I can’t say that I disliked it. It’s just indifference.

That said, game is looking very good and the soundtrack is maybe under the levels of what we’ve heard on Life is Strange 1 & Before the Storm but it is still good.

Reviewing only the "remastered" part :

Unless most facial animations, there is simply no work at all.

Some lights shades are even missing from the original game that "demaster" it in a way. Best example I got in mind is the small pieces of glass from Max's Polaroid in the first minutes that are simply pieces of paper in the Remastered.

Reviewing only the "Remastered" part :

This "remastered" is broken. Subtitles just freezes in mid conversation.
If you don't speak and understand English, you just can't play the game.

Other than that, story is okay, music though is, in my opinion, one of the best soundtrack that you can hear in today's games.


After replaying it (with platinum trophy), it's a great game.
Environment and everything that arounds that cute stray cat is very refreshing today.

I don't doubt about a sequel after the commercial and critical success, but how will they make it ? Anyway, at least double up the hours of gameplay next time. Stray was too short.

Life is Strange is a bit cheesy in its overall. If you don't try to enter in the ambiance of the game, then you will have a disastrous experience.

In terms of characters, game doesn't miss . Max & Chloe are so endearing it's contagious, and the more you play and advance the game, the more you get to have feelings and emotions for them. Even with secondary ones, everyone has something believable, that makes you feel something for them (but the story is, like I said earlier, cheesy).

In its choice system, Life is Strange is doing good and terribly at the same time. You get to choose a lot of outcomes for different stories in your adventure, but the game has "only" two endings that only depends on your last choice of the game.

Max's power is cool, but contains a lot of paradoxes with it that are just unexplained. If you don't mind these like I did in my first playthrough, your experience will be great.

Soundtrack is, in my opinion, one of the best thing that Life is Strange has to offer, it completely matches with Max and the game's mood globally.

Anyway, Life is Strange is a classic in multiple-choices genre and if you didn't already played the game, you definitely should .

NB : if you can, DON'T play the remastered collection that came out in 2022.

Life is Strange has a legacy that is really hard to maintain and I believe that True Colors does it at the extreme edge.

Characters are great, as usual for a Life is Strange game. But Chapter 2 is where they all miss common sense. And this really took me off the game, as I was questioning myself whether a character had a whole missing plot to his background or if the writers of the game were just taking me for an idiot.

Graphical side, True Colors and his city, Haven Springs, is beautiful, and facial expressions are still Deck Nine's strength. But I was really disappointed by the soundtrack of the game that is definitely the worst one we had from all LiS games.

Anyway, whole game has a chill vibe for sure, but it wasn't as remarkable as LiS1 & 2 storyline. As Deck Nine only worked on the prequel to Life is Strange 1 called Before The Storm, I believe that True Colors is still a good game from them because there is some upgrades compared to BTS, but definitely not a good Life is Strange "special issue" game.