605 Reviews liked by lutzloop

A rather easy puzzle adventure game. Beautiful graphics and music. The story and theme are quite common in recent indie games. a new life. came out a few months earlier and told basically the same story.

boatloads of music that you're bound to find some you'll be into and fantastic gameplay that's fun to get better at and will test your ambidextrousness
you can also dress Rin in a variety of cute outfits so it's peak

This game is nothing short of legendary.

Everything from the varied locales' atmosphere, to the simple but engaging combat and clever boss fights, to its timeless and iconic soundtrack, to the characters, etc. are all so well done. There's only a handful of games that stood the test of time and this one's no exception. Play it in 1998, you'll be blown away. Play it in 2022 like I did for the very first time on my N64, I was blown away. The devs definitely cooked when they were working on this game.

Five Nights at Freddy's 2 improves on the first game in nearly every way. There is more animatronics, so there's more to deal with making the game not as boring as the first one. The designs are better, and the mask brings a lot to the game. This game is also a lot harder than the first one. And I mean A LOT harder than the first one. So hard, that it was quite frustrating at times. I also got this bug, where when I put down the camera, I couldn't put the mask on for 2 seconds, which caused around 15 deaths. Some animatronics being able to force the camera down was also annoying, and added to the difficulty. Other than that though, fun game.

This game is a phenomenal game, one reviewer said "I don't like JRPGs but I love Persona 5" and that's exactly the thought I have. Persona 5 is a great game period, and you don't need to be an RPG or JRPG fan to enjoy it. Highly recommend for anyone new to RPGs or who is in need of a fun game.

Only warning is that Persona games have huge time investment and commitment, so be ready to put the time in.

This review contains spoilers

Fun and classic Pokemon game. Is loosely based on the anime, the gym leader difficulty spike is higher than in Red and Blue versions, and your starter is only Pikachu. I've beaten this game so many times, and too many times.

Hot garbage. The person who coded this game is scamming his followers, and will never release a full copy of the game. Has a ridiculously long and poorly written code, which causes the game to be slow frame rate and also unnecessarily large. Asset flips and reused assets, can be somewhat fun on some of the assassination heavy modes, but I don't think it's worth it to play unless he releases the full version, which he probably won't.

Fun, but dated game. Especially if you don't have an original DS, requires heavy use of the stylus to properly play. Recommend Tales of Almia over this, if you have to play a Pokemon Rangers game.

It's a bit better than Rhythm Heaven on GBA, but this is one of the few games where I don't care for the touch controls. It's funny given I love Theatrhythm, but that game felt better designed for them, this game is very finicky with them and it's a lot harder as a result. Rhythm Heaven just works better with normal button controls.

Something any OoT fan needs to experience at least once.

LOVEEEE this game. I basically use it to dress up my OCs and take cute pictures of them, and it's super satisfying to use! The environments are gorgeous and chock full of photo ops to go around taking the best pics you can. The visuals are crisp and gorgeous. And of course, all the clothes are incredibly cute.

If I had to pick something to complain about, I'd say that I do wish that unlocking patterns in this game was a bit easier (you do it by increasing your 'influencer rank'- basically leveling up), but it hasn't detracted from my enjoyment of the game at all.

The thing I like best about this game is the fact that you can craft outfits for other people through online play, and vice versa. It makes me so incredibly happy when I power on the game and see that someone created an entirely new outfit for me.

Overall, I think Fashion Dreamer is exactly what it markets itself as: an extremely solid and visually beautiful dress up game. You shouldn't go into it expecting any story or character depth. If you're just looking for a chill game where you can turn your brain off and craft cute outfits, this is a very fun time.

This is more of a short part 2 to my Style Savvy: Styling Star review.

Because while playing Style Savvy in anticipation for Fashion Dreamer. I pretty quickly realized that none of the stuff that made Style Savvy so special was going to be in Fashion Dreamer. At least judging by the trailers, and now after reaching the credits I can confirm it. They got rid of all the narratives and this world of fashion influencers is strange and creepy and soulless. Which just leaves the dressing up, which is...fine. It's not really implemented well and is oddly restrictive between the body types, but I AM a cute girl, and I DO look good. You can go into some pretty good detail with the colors on individual pieces. Ultimately though, the game just has nothing going for it when stacked up against any of the Style Savvy games.

Which I guess they weren't trying to make a Style Savvy game, they were trying to do something different. But maybe they SHOULD have tried to make a modern Nintendo Switch Style Savvy game, it would have been incredible.

If you are interested in this game and haven't played Styling Star or any of the other three Style Savvy games. Go play Styling Star. You've been putting off hacking your 3DS for long enough. The time is now.

This game is driving me mad. I keep flip flopping between 3 and 2 stars.

So on the one hand I feel like I'm underselling the dressing up of this dress up game. Like the dressing up is good. There is a lot of clothes and hair and face and color options. You can really get lost in the min-maxing of very small details of your overall aesthetic and Fashion Dreamer really excels at this. So I think it is good at BEING a dress up game and that should be worthy of 3 stars.

But on the other hand the very act of existing in this world is torture. The stationary NPCs and their maddening voice acted one liners are atrocious. All the Bingo cards and gacha shit are a plague on my experience. Most of the gameplay is liking clothing on a menu. One by one. It feels like a glorified mobile game. When I first saw the Nintendo Direct featuring this game I thought of how interesting the concept of a "dress up game" was. I did a little bit of research and found Style Savvy: Styling Star and after playing it I thought, "wow, this genre has so much to offer." It was just such a beautiful experience from beginning to end. And then this comes out and there is just zero attempt at an emotional connection. Am I asking too much for a bit more pathos out of what is essentially just Farming Simulator: But Clothes This Time? Perhaps I am.

Ultimately though, I'm left feeling a bit confused, a bit frustrated, and that lands me on a 2 star verdict.

This is fine.

Fashion Dreamer is basically a model simulator where you just go and dress up as many persons as you can see. The possibilities are infinite since you can also create your own clothes (actually you only pick some colors).

This is fun alright! There are no quests after the tutorial is done, so you're on your own and I must say I appreciate the cozy atmosphere, creating outfits and just giving likes. But this is definitely not for everyone. Updates might be a game changer depending on the additions.

Recommended if you like shopping, wearing cute clothes and receiving nice outfits from friends or strangers.

(finally setting down the switch after playing fashion dreamer from 12am-5am nonstop) It's just ok.

ok, for my serious initial impression: don't expect style savvy from this. the npcs are static and don't really have anything going for them, and there's no story at all. your job this time around is a "virtual influencer" or something like that. except it's not even a job because all you're doing is dressing people up, liking their clothes in order to add them to your own closet, and gaining followers. in fact, the game progression surrounds just that-- gaining followers. and it's not like gaining followers is particularly difficult, either. when you make an outfit, you either get some followers or a lot of them. you can make the most atrocious thing for an npc that doesn't suit their request at all and they'll be like "wow! i love the colors! how strange. good thing i love strange!" and you still win

i do think that if i came in with no style savvy expectations, i'd probably have liked it. in fact, i even think if you came in just for a Dress-Up Game (and only a dress-up game), then you'd love it! the graphics are beautiful and the clothes are everywhere between cute and gorgeous. the character you make is cute, the npcs are cute, everything is cute. in online play mode, you can even dress up other players + see the outfits they designed. you can even receive outfits from them too, which is always nice! in the end though, it just comes down to being a mindless fashion game (that feels like a small upgrade to one of those mobile ones) to play idly for... $45? $50?

another grievance i had was the body type locked clothing. they made sure to define the types as A and B as opposed to "male" and "female" but the clothing was still locked in the same way you'd expect from other games and their gender (?) locking. it was... disappointing. i understand that it's likely to do with trying to adjust clothes to both models but it didn't make me feel any less disappointed about it LOL

that being said, i did wind up coming back to it on and off after my initial 5 hours straight out from launch! so it's not the worst game ever. in fact, since my expectations have been so thoroughly crushed, maybe i'll be able to force myself into loving it for what it is so i don't feel like my money was wasted

EDIT: i couldn't force myself to love it BUT i let my youngest cousin use my switch and i taught him how to play this game since he recently became comfortable with reading. he was able to sit down and play it for around 2-3 hours straight which means my money DID go somewhere thank god