This is my first time finishing it, the game has a good story with two interesting main characters, but to be honest it ain't thaaaaaaaaat good, it is overrated but by no means it is close to a bad game, it is a pretty solid game.


The last case is peak storytelling.

Edgeworth my beloved.
The 4th and extra case are peak storytelling.

A feast for a weeabo like me.

I tried to play it in the first week, but the game was disconnecting and not letting me play because of the STUPID always online feature. That makes the game 0 stars for me, but they weren't satisfied; no, they still had to literally block the game from running on older GPUs. Even though the game was running perfectly, performance wise, for me, now it doesn't even open anymore. F* off.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem.
Lux æterna luceat eis, Domine:
Cum Sanctis tuis in æternum:
quia pius es

I've spent 120 hours playing FH5, finished all normal races, I think. the game has too many things to do; it is kind of overwhelming, but it is still a solid game, I just loved customizing my cars, and it made me fulfill my dream of riding a Lancer Evo and a Subaru Impreza.

A lot of the time I just booted the game and started driving and drifting around, one of the best moments I had was when I was drifting in a mountain, and a group of people started following me, and we did drift together.

I really like the lore and mythos surrounding the game, but the combat wasn't that good, the mecha mechanics weren't that fleshed out and the dungeons in this game are the WORST I've ever seen, I hated every second of it, it made me want the game to just end already.

I recommend reading perfect works too, it's really interesting.

Maybe it's because I'm stupid weeabo, but seeing all the traditional Japanese myths and culture in the game made me love it, just like Samurai Warriors games do. The mechanics and combat are one of my favorites in all """souls-like""" games.

For god's sake, Hattori Hanzo knows the time by looking at a cat's pupil; it doesn't get better than that.


You have a campaign with objectives, clear instructions, and a beginning and ending. It doesn't get better than that, and the soundtrack is awesome too.


It literally molded my taste in music.

I mean, it's alright, like.

Even being old and clunky, the game was quite easy, with only 1 or 2 bosses being actually challenging.

I played it with a friend, and it was quite a fun time, but it just ain't that good.

The game is good, but the combat is so, so slow, that I had to always use the speed up option, and still it was slow.