played on ps4 and ps5 too. anger inducing game. comp is hell and this game wants you to lose.

funny physics but its good to practice drifting a little bit. fun to tandem and play with friends.

super good dlc, i suggest trying it at least once.

played on ps4 too. but i have too many hours on this shit and i will gladly spend more.

shorter than the og spidermans. but still fun and i love miles.

great game. platinumed on ps5. enjoyed my time spent.

fun game. very frustrating when you die though.

too much time spent grinding for god rolls.

such fun childhood memories. messing around and just driving into people.

CAR P4. funny mech and grapple sniper.

beautiful game. super fun for stealth. funny moments and combos.

fun assassin's creed/samurai. very fun to just play while zooted.