steering wheel ftw. super fun to practice driving and drifting for irl.

fun for slower gameplay, i played a bunch during covid and havent really touched it since. got kinda boring after around 30 hours.

amazing playability, modded and vanilla this game gives lots of opportunity for fun.

been playing since 2016 and addicted. friends make it a lot better. but with the characters being free at the moment, its great.

fun with friends and modded. buttttttt... the skin in fortnite is more expensive than the game.

spent a lot of time as a kid goofing off not doing much. i would recommend going back and playing.

great fighting game. spent a lot of time with friends and family fucking around.

ive been playing since 2017, fun game with friends but super sweaty. also, its really easy to get addicted and spend a lot of money.

im a freak for this game. speedrun is around an hour PB, but super fun and a lot of hours easily spent.

still waiting for gta6. but been playing since release. fun with friends.

super super fun game. lots of hours. lots of time spent exploring. great game to just sit down and play.

super fun game. i love dnd so it helps. but the game is very creative and allows for silliness.