i have a heart shaped locket with a photo of grovyle from pmd: explorers of sky (2009) inside of it and i carry it with me wherever i go

it doesn't matter how many times i've replayed this game, it still manages to surprise me <3

omgggg, dr. habit hiiiiii~ :-))) twirling my hair and kicking my legs

ever since I played 8:11, i've been slowly trying to play more games with religious themes to see if i can manage to deal with my religious trauma in a way that feels safe and comforting to me. that's when i came across this game, and let me tell you something... it's really good. not going to spoil anything, just try it out for yourself and see <3

as a violently (<3) genderqueer person myself, this has made me feel so so seen and loved. thank you, GENDERWRECKED, i will never forget you <3

i've been playing this game for years and i love it! but every time i try to romance someone else, shane gets in the way and makes me fall in love with him all over again. i've been marrying this guy in every possible timeline, it's crazy. anyways go play stardew valley

i'm not crying, i just got tumbleweed in my eyes, i swear,,,

the best game i've never played.

petscop is a series that perfectly encapsulates how it feels like to grow up with childhood trauma, memory loss, and a history of abuse. in a story that doesn't shy away from really dark themes (such as death, kidnapping, and possibly csa)—what made me obsess over Petscop from the get-go are the characters, the way they react and live with their respective traumas, and the found family topics that so heavily influence the series. (also: as a system, paul and carrie's story felt so relatable and oh so familiar to me, augh.)

in a way, to me, the appeal of Petscop was how perfectly it played the "guy who found the haunted video game" creepypasta—but with a twist! everything posted at first felt so genuine and realistic. that, combined with the bone-chilling uncanniness of the gameplay, made it a surreal experience. being alone in this cosmic horror altered state made my chest feel heavy.

this little game, with its gorgeous characters, will forever have a special place in my heart.

giggling, stimming, blushing, kicking my legs etc etc <3

YOU GET IT. THE PAIN AND SUFFERING AND SORROW! augh, such a beautiful experience! i carry this game in my heart.

the fact that zoro has a map makes me soooooo sad. truly disappointing >:(

ever think about how fucking funny birth by sleep is from riku’s perspective

auuuuugh, i really like this game! it's short, sweet & hilarious <3 i personally like cooking for others, so i really enjoyed the setting of the game, hehe. it also helps that the motherfucker that stole my lunch is actually a really sweet guy :)

also???? "my parents had a French phase"???? SHUT UUUUUUUUP HSDHGDSH. that scene got me howling laughing cackling etc etc. as someone who is Also called bo, i think i'm going to start introducing myself as "Bone Appletea" as well. that's fucking hilarious

none of you understand what it feels like to go into this game blindly and read "Actually, Henry Tudor is my name. But I find it tiresome. You may call me 'Yugi'" for the first time. the WHIPLASH. i felt like obelisk himself had punched me in the face. a truly amazing game, that's for sure.