It is a fun rythm game, but bc of it's flashing lights I always got headaches when I played (and I don't have any medical restrictions, the game was just too much for me, I guess)

Complete masterpiece,
Everything the original does good - Royal does it better
Everything the orignial does bad - Royal fixes it
And also adds so much new great stuff. Hope Persona6 gets to Royal's level or better.

Best FPS I've ever played. It's fast-paced combat and cool arsenal makes the gameplay very good, and even better when you master your skills with the weapons. DOOM Eternal is definitely a great game, but if you want a good story / with focus on the story DOOM is not for you. The thing you'll se for 99% of the time is "rip and tear untill all the enemies are killed".

The best remake for one of the best PS games.

It's a good Pre-sequel, but surely not better than Borderlands 2.

I just couldn't play more than 5~10 hours. Just not fun and very buggy, and the dialogue scenes are bad.

One of the best games I've ever played and surely the best action RPG I played. It has flaws/bugs, but, for me, it's still perfect