Words cannot express the joy this gave me and my friends. A unique experience, easily enjoyed together or alone.


Easily my favourite singleplayer roguelike. The variation between runs is crazy, and the voice acting is above and beyond any kind of expect quality. A diamond in the rough for indie games this year.

Hot take; 3 was my favourite.

It's an OK game if you skip all the cutscenes. Times before DMC5 were desperate, and this game was the only thing giving us the DMC combat dripfeed we needed.

With it's expansions, this is my favourite CIV to date.

The perfect expansion pack to an already fantastic game. Toussaint is mindblowingly gorgeous and I cannot overstate how enchanting everything about Blood and Wine is.

Fun alone, amazing with friends.

When I first got this game, it didn't come out of my 360 for a solid 4 months.

My first PC game. I spent countless hours just messing around in RP, TTT and Prop Hunt.

Still has an active playerbase to this day, this is a must play for any PC owner.

I may have triple dipped. I may have done it for nostalgia. It may have been worth every single penny.

Such faithful recreations, THIS is how you remake a game.

If the dev can work out the bugs and kinks, this will be a multiplayer horror masterpiece.

A quality roguelike experience, though in dire need of more campaigns.

Audio, visuals, style are jawdroppingly gorgeous. Played through with one other friend and continue to have a blast every single session.

Had eyes on this since late 2019, saw the boom before release and knew it was going to be a blast. Really glad it was as fun as it looked, and a much needed laugh in an otherwise tough year.

There's nothing quite like GTAV, and I don't think there ever will be. Rockstar's crown jewel will only be matched with their next title.