One of the best sequels in gaming.

One of the best remakes in gaming.

Insane Soundtrack.

Bursting with content.

Undoubtedly the best Pokemon game in my book. The only real issue I have is the grinding.

Superb stealth action. An impressive wealth of dynamic choice in how to approach situations. Fantastic Art style too.

My favourite game ever with more content. Obviously I love it.

If this wasn't somehow clunkier than kingdom hearts 1, this could potentially be the best entry in the series.

The most accessible yet still suitably bonkers story, and the most innovative and (on paper) fun gameplay of the series.

This is the game that made me such a junkie for ball breaking difficulty. It's also the best exclusive on the PS4, hands down.

Genuinley my favourite game of all time. Love it.

Absolutely my favourite game in the series. One of the most creative and innovative games you'll ever play. The story is much easier to appreciate without sacrificing any of Kojima's signature charm - a balance that was never struck as well before or since.

You never forget your first Yakuza game.

One of the best stories I've ever seen in a game too, top notch writing.

This game is disappointing in many ways.

The mission design is STILL dated, Rockstar are still terrified to double down on ANY interesting ideas (e.g. introducing intricate and layered survival mechanics.. that you can COMPLETELY ignore) and the gunplay is simply unacceptable for the year it released outside of some stellar sound design and gore effects.

However this game helped display that Rockstar are storytelling masters in a way that we've never truly seen before.

Years later I still hold Arthur Morgan incredibly high on my list of best protagonists I've ever seen, period.

Probably my second favourite game in the series and my game of the year 2015.

It's aged like milk but it makes you appreciate the proceeding entries all the more.

Stomach it, you'll be glad you did.

I found this pretty disappointing following up on my Yakuza 0 playthrough.

The story was significantly worse even with the weight it gained from playing 0 first. There was also quite a bit of obvious filler and unearned twists later in the story.

But it's still pretty good, Yakuza is always pretty good.

I can't decide if I prefer this to 2 or not.

It has the best set pieces in the entire series, definitely.

But it's also just.. incredibly similar to 2, and the story tries to be more than a light-hearted romp, but it never really succeeds on rising above that.

It's utterly insane that this game came out in 2004. Some of the technology and features that are present were way ahead of its time. It's not my favourite GTA game, but it's definitely fair to say its the best one, all things considered.

It has a slowww start, frustrating gameplay mechanics and a frustrating story


But then it ends up having one of the best endings I've seen in a game in a long time, and one of the most unique gameplay loops I've ever seen.

It's dripping with originality, it just expects a bit too much patience from the player for you to truly appreciate it.