32 reviews liked by megster3000

Kat is my favourite gemale protagonist.
She's just nice and still powerful and in general a human being with a lot of personality, compared to EVERY OTHER WOMEN

Treasure's most 'okay' game to me personally. Real fun party game and a good way to kill a couple hours throwing objects at each other. I like the visuals but that's about the most that stands out to me.

Aside from the one time I played Gunstar Heroes a few years ago, I have needed to "educate myself" on the Treasure catalog for a while. Having played the Japanese version of Dynamite Headdy via the Sega Genesis/Megadrive Classic Collection on Switch, I can say it's a solid, yet long 16-bit platformer.

Having looked into Dynamite Headdy a little, I decided to play the Japanese version due to a lighter difficulty, though it offers a lot more than that. Unfortunately, in the English localization of this game, the actual story of Dynamite Headdy is lost in translation. It's appreciated that SEGA's compilation cart for the Switch includes both NTSC and Japan releases, but it's still a shame that the text boxes exclusive to the Japanese version were not translated on the cartridge. Thankfully fans have already done that with plenty of ways to access a translated ROM, an option I may take for any future playthroughs.

Analyzing Dynamite Headdy to any extent reveals a boundary-pushing piece of software for the time. Including impressive 3D effects predating many more popular titles using similar features. This extends to the stellar soundtrack, as well as a general gameplay loop that feels both familiar and radically different from its contemporaries - even ones made by Treasure, themselves; think Gunstar Heroes meets Sonic meets Rayman. I could probably describe Dynamite Headdy in better detail, but with its ease of access both legally and otherwise, it's best you just give it a shot, yourself.

I had played Panic on Funktron first and loved that game. Found this later and was disappointed.

for the love of fuck get this on steam NOW

Playing this on the Adult Swim website as a kid made me come to terms after several "am I a lesbian" quizzes with the fact that I am not straight whatsoever

P3 FES is challenging, demanding, but also very worthwile with a banger soundtrack, good cast of characters and awesome sense of style.

While FES's design choices plays out differently to the rules and qols following the later entries it stands tall with structural support to add for a more involved experience tied in to the central characters own experience and adaptions as the story evolves.

This reflects through gradually unlocking more ai strat commands for your party members as you progress through the game, while you initially start out with only a few ai choices and abilities for the earlier chunks, it gets easier and a lot more intuitive past the early threshold. The battle UI is snappy and the ai prioritites are precise to the enemy parameters and weaknesses, once you analyse them after seeing them for the first time.

FES's story plays itself out slowly throughout its high school/social sim other half outside of the dungeoncrawling and finishes up with a bang for its final semester as well as having some of the best cast developments through the series.

This game definitely oozes the 90s aesthetic and personality. It’s weird, absurd and gross. Unfortunately it’s annoying difficulty gets in its way of being a fine game.

Though some levels can be ruthlessly-difficult, Earthworm Jim was a great 2D platformer on the Genesis and SNES with a lot of character, great visuals mapping hand-drawn cell animation to sprites, some funny slapstick humor that wouldn't feel out-of-place in a 90's cartoon (and sure enough there actually was a cartoon adaptation that ran a couple of seasons in the mid/late 90's), smooth controls, and solid level design.