Silent Hill 4 is (imo) the worst of the main SH games. The main character, escorting and backtracking sections definitely take away a lot from it.
The core gameplay is similar to the previous titles although there are some new mechanics. The combat is quite similar, although sometimes you also have to fight some camera angles lol. You can change the camera's position by pressinng L2 but sometimes it won't help at all. Now you can only carry up to 10 items, which may sometimes be annoying. You can drop and pick up itens from a chest in your apartment. The apartment and the change of third to first person is the biggest difference from the previous titles. It's a basically a safe room, which heals you... :) I had to play this at 30fps since 60 will often softlock you, make Henry unable to move when it attack stance and make the game unbeatable due to a bug in the final boss. It was fine for the most part but 60fps would've been way better.
The main character, Henry, was very uninteresting. The poor voice acting didn't help either, none of the SH games I've played so far had amazing voice acting but here it didn't help at all.
The story itself isn't bad but poor VA and boring backtracking and escorting sessions take away some of your interest, unless you're really into npc escorting.
Backtracking itself isn't bad and can be done well! But here it was a drag since you have to escort AND protect that npc if you wanna have a better ending.
Enemy design was mostly interesting! There are some very cool designs but some very meh ones too.
The atmosphere is good for the most part! Some sections don't really feel scary or tense but overall the feeling's there.
The soundtrack was okay.
Overall, it's not a terrible game, it's fine! As a main SH game it is disappointing (again,imo), if it was a spinoff I probably wouldn't be so harsh on it.

This was quite fun! The story is okay, there are some cool moments in the cutscenes, some nice twists, there's decent enemy variety for an expansion. There's only a couple of main missions which aren't very long so sometimes you have to some side missions to unlock some main ones. There's also some zones that you have to clear from zombies so you can turn it into a safezone (for the most part)! I wish RDR2 had an expansion like this, it would've been incredible!

Well, this wasn't as good as I expected but it was still nice!
The story drags way too much and there's too much "fetch" missions and it only really gets going near the last 3/4 hours.
The gameplay is nice, although in small spaces, like inside houses or huts, sometimes it's a bit hard to control John, this is also a problem in RDR2 lol. The gameplay is similar to RDR2, although without some of the more realistic elements that are present in the sequel.
Content wise, it's good! You have a couple of minigames you can play, you can do bounty hunts, some interesting side missions and 57 main missions.
Graphically wise it still looks quite good for a 14 year old game, I'd have liked some more improvements but whatever.
The soundtrack is ok, could've been used way more.
The voice acting is good, like in all the Rockstar games I've played.
RDR1 is (understandably so) a more barebones version of RDR2 so I may be being too harsh because I played RDR2 first.
Overall, it's nice but the story could've been better paced and some characters more fleshed out.

Yakuza 4 wasn't as good as I expected. You have more playable characters and Kamurocho is a bit more expanded now.
The new characters have their own moveset and playstyle, which is nice. I liked them although I felt like their arcs are either rushed or underdeveloped and whole story felt underdeveloped too, some plot twists were very predicyable and boring.
Unlike in Y0 and Kiwami 1 I don't really feel like doing every substory and character related things, the story didn't really grab me most of the time so now I don't really feel like playing this much more, I'll probably do some Kiryu subtories and that's it.
Sometimes the combat was annoying, you could get stunned by some random enemy (not even a boss) and lose tons of health. The last boss fight was T R A S H!
Overall, the game's fine, it could be much better if each character was more fleshed out, it would make tons of moments feel more earned too.

Sillent Hill (nowadays) is sometimes frustrating to play due to the tank controls, you gotta push the analog down to go foward!! It was quite confusing for a while but then I got used to it. It's manageable for exploring, for the combat it's quite messy and just frustrating sometimes.
The story is nice, the characters are interesting, although the voice acting can be quite bad at times which may break your immersion completely.
The atmosphere for a 25 year old game is insanely good. The enemies designs are cool and so is every location you go in.
The game can also be quite confusing sometimes, either the puzzles or realizing what you need to do, the later is incredibly worse in the last area of the game, super confusing.
Overall, the game can be scary quite a couple time, the visuals are nice, I really liked the pre-rendered cutscenes, the gameplay is (understandably) very clunky and the story is cool.

This was fun! The game is kinda short (took me 5 hours to beat it), the story is okay, DP is pretty fun in this and it was nice to see the X-Men. There's a cool feature here, you can press a button that's showed on screen and then a cutscene plays telling you some info about that character.
The gameplay is simple but nice, the combat with the sword and the sai is cool! The weapons are okay, they don't feel as good to play with imo. There are small stealth sections here and there, they're pretty basic but the kill animations are very over the top, which is nice! There's some okay platforming here and there, some levels are quite nicely designed while others are meh. The final level of the game was quite underwhelming.
The voice acting is really good! Nolan North owned this, I'd have liked to see a sequel to this! Better gameplay, more Nolan North as DP, more interesting levels like some in this one like the 2D section, the "8 bit" level, etc, those were very fun.
Overall, the game is fun! Would have liked a better final level and some better gunplay but it gets the job done!

This is probably my least favorite of the trilogy, I still think the first one is the best. Some chapters felt boring sometimes, I did not care for most of the characters, some were even super annoying. There were some nice twists, the final one is kinda weird but whatever. There is some new stuff that makes the gameplay during trials to have more variety so that's nice. The Monokubs were also nice.
If this is your first Danganronpa game (you'll get spoiled on the first two games) then you'll most likely enjoy it the most.
Although I seemed harsh on the game before, I don't think it's bad in any way! But I did enjoy 1 and 2's characters and plot more. Still, it's a fun game overall, I'd have liked some more depth to some characters but it's okay I guess.

Played the story mode and did some character episodes, it's very fun and there aren't huge difficulty spikes like in Tekken 7. The game feels better to play than 7, it's flashier and pretty to look at. The story is quite nice, maybe a bit rushed, but I still really enjoyed it! The character episodes have 5 fights now instead of just one like in 7, so you get some more playtime there too!

Played the story mode and some character episodes. The story, graphics and gameplay are all fine. There were 2 fights that were hard for me (both boss fights) but the rest of the game's fights are pretty fair. The character episodes are okay, the cutscenes could be a bit longer but whatever. I'll probably play Tekken 8 this year!

Man, after FC2 I was excited to play 6, I had already played 3,4 and 5 before. The gameplay itself is still fun but there's so much useless stuff crammed onto it.
An ultimate attack, different clothing giving you certain attributes, some being abilities you could do in FC3 and FC4 like using your pistol after a takedown to kill another enemy there was nearby.
The progression here is TRASH, you get the wingsuit by buying a random upgrade for one of your camps, what the actual hell. It didn't felt rewarding at all. There's also no skill tree which I also disliked. You can get strong weapons pretty quickly so I wasn't interested in trying other weapons since mine were already fine. You can also change the type of bullets your weapons will fire, so you can give extra damage to some enemies depending on their weakness, I thought that was a lazy way to add more diversity to the game. There's also a level system, which is poorly designed, the bases recommended levels will also rise according to your level, that's fine, but MAIN MISSIONS recommended levels also rise, who thought this was a good idea???? There was a point I was level 9 and the recommended level for the mission was 16!!! Most enemies were bullet sponges, it felt very boring to play.
There are tons of secondary stuff you can do, I wasn't motivated to do pretty much any of them, I only did a treasure hunt which was actually nice since I did some platforming.
Storywise the game is meh, there are some interesting parts but they're all underdeveloped or rushed. There are quite a couple of characters you can recruit to join the cause, they're mostly fine, I didn't find most of them interesting. The ending was super anticlimactic. I was already burnt out and the ending just made me even more sure that I wouldn't keep playing it.
The gameplay itself is fine, sniping enemies feels good (WHEN you can kill them with one headshot), the gunplay for other weapons is good. I wish stealth was better incorporated, there are some very cool stealth kill animations, but Dani moves so slowly I didn't really enjoying playing that way so I sniped most of the enemies until everything went crazy. Fishing is cool although it takes a bit too long to capture a random fish.
Overall, it's mindless fun with a very meh story. Don't expect FC3 pr FC4's level of "survival" elements like hunting animals to upgrade how many weapons or grenades you can carry but do expect a shoe-horned rpg system just to increase the game's length. There were like 3-4 missions I thought were cool, but I'd rather replay FC3 or FC4 anytime of the day.

JJK Cursed Clash is a mess and a total bore of a game. I really like the anime and this game just made me want to either read the manga again or just watch the anime, it tells the story through mostly anime screenshots, there's a couple cutscenes but they're not great. Graphically the game's kinda bad, it could and should've looked way better. The main menu looks like it's from a dvd from 15 years ago. The menu of the free batttle mode when you're selecting your characters is basically an excel sheet, who actually thought this was a good choice? The gameplay is also a mess, defending and dodging takes one thousand years, it doesn't feel responsive at all, and it's pretty much the same thing with the rest of the gameplay. There were a couple battles that made me rage due to how clunky the game felt, it sometimes felt less responsive than TWD: Destinies lol. The ultimate attacks also feel weak, so when you do manage to hit one it doesn't feel very rewarding.
The only positives about this game are the cursed energy mechanics which you gotta build up to use special moves and that the story mode has quite a couple fights that weren't that important in the anime, there's still some battles missing but it's fine. If the game had cutscenes like the storm games the story would be more enjoyable, I'd have not minded if they just used anime clips.
Overall, this game is a mess and a huge disappointment.

Really fun Batman game, it improves on pretty much everything that Asylum did, I liked Asylum's UI and atmosphere a bit more but everything else was better here. I think the open world isn't great but it's not bad either, it's kinda just there, the transversal is nice but obviously not as fun as swinging around as Spider-Man. The story was pretty good, some nice boss fights, the combat has some nice improvements, so did the stealth and transversal, same thing with the graphics. The dlc was nice although I'd have liked a longer cutscene at the end. Overall it is a really good game with an okay open world.

Far Cry 2 is the perfect definition of a 6.5/10 game. It tries to be a fps with a more survivalist approach but it quickly becomes annoying with that, enemies deal ridiculous amount of damage at times, sometimes you have a hard time spotting them, you get chased to the pits of hell, it all gets annoying after a while, I installed a mod that helped with that so I had a better time with FC2 than what I would have if I had completed it without any mods. The scenery looks quite good for an almost 16 year old game! Some parts of the game are very pretty to look at. The open world itself is meh, feels too empty and a bit boring, which is a shame, it could've been used better for story purposes too. The story was okay, could've been better but it wasn't bad. Most of the characters were extremely forgettable or just okay. The gameplay is clunky and it feels weird to play even on KMB. Still, I had a mostly good experience with it. I gave the same score to FC5, which has a much better open world and gameplay, but its story and characters were very, very forgettable. FC2 at least tried to implement some stuff in the franchise, I wished the sequels tried to do that too instead of playing it safe.

Arkham Asylum is turning 15 this year and it still holds up quite well in lots of areas! The story is nice, I'm not a huge Batman fan but I still liked it, the level design good, the atmosphere is amazing, although I felt the more open parts of the island felt a bit boring, but everything else is fun to explore. You have some gadgets you can use, only a few of them can be used in combat though, but it adds some slight variation to the combat. Speaking of that, it is fun and flows quite well most of the time, when doing a ground takedown you can still get hit but when doing a takedown you can use after achieving a 5x streak in combat you do not get hit, so I almost never did the ground ones. The stealth is nice, nothing out of this world but it gets the job done nicely.
You have upgrades which can increase your health, damage, gadgets efficiency, there's a nice variation of upgrades.
There's a couple mini-bosses you fight which are literally equal, I'd have liked some more variation, even if it was only on their moveset. Some enemy related gimmicks could also have been more fleshed out imo. The final boss battle also felt very random... It was disappointing for me.
Overall it is a fun game that mostly holds up very nicely!

I had played just over one hour last year. I had played the original a couple weeks ago so I wasn't super invested on this. Since I had played two survival horror games lately (the evil within games), I thought I'd could also play through RE4R.
Story: Storywise the og RE4 didn't really impress me, it just got the job done. It was cheesy, simple and it worked well! Here it's pretty much the same thing even though some stuff gets changed, but for me, there's something that was lost here, the original had a certain charm to it, nearly 20 years after its release. Maybe that just can't be exactly adapted while making a much more realistic-looking game, the game still has cheesy moments but it's not the same thing. The story gets the job done though.
Graphics: The game looks really, really good! Every single location is amazing to look at, the atmosphere, lighting, the models, everything's a beauty! It was very cool to see how the locations were changed/improved/expanded upon. Even the common enemies you fight through your whole playthrough look astonishing.
Soundtrack/Sound Design: The soundtrack's nice. They give boss battles another sense of epicness, it immerses you more,that's very good. I'll very likely only remember the save theme music though. The sound design is goddamn good too, everything you hear sounds really crispy, it makes some parts slightly scary, which I almost did not feel throughout the whole game. But when it works in that department, it works well!
Voice Acting: The VA is mostly very good. I felt Ada's voice was a bit off, but it wasn't as bad as I saw some people complaing about it. Everyone else does a nice job too!
Gameplay: The best thing about this game, like in the original. The gunplay feels tight and Leon moves around decently well, it's not SUPER smooth to play or the game'd be too easy, sometimes you're trying to change your weapon while aiming and it will take a tiny bit of time that can make you get attacked if you're near some enemies. It works very well overall though! You can now parry lots of attacks with your knife, which will deplete some of its durability. This is nice because it balances the game, you do not feel invincible since you can only parry a limited amount of times. When you have many knives you can parry more but then you'll run out of them and maybe you'd need it to have an easier time against a specific enemy or a boss, so you gotta think about how you wanna aproach a fight. Here you can stealth around a couple parts, sneak kills will also deplete some of the knife's durability, also a nice thing, or stealth would be too OP. The steath system adds more to the gameplay as you can approach a fight more carefully if you want to save some bullets or if you wanna avoid fighting completely you also can(only in a couple parts). The gameplay loop is nice, although I think there's a bit too much action sometimes and that takes away lots of the tension the game could have. You will have, at least, quite a couple of bullets for your pistol for the majority of the game, so you don't really feel helpless since you'll nearly always be able to shoot your way out of a situation. Even if you don't have bullets you can craft it. I played on Standard, so maybe on higher difficulties the game may feel more tense to play as there'll be less amno. The boss battles are nice, one feels very different from the rest since it focuses a lot on melee combat for a bit of its duration, but they were all fun to play against. The gameplay is overall quite solid.
Comparisons to the original: The OG had more charm, cheesier moments and VA (which I liked) and you'd feel more tense playing the OG due to the controls and limited movement you have while in combat. The remake does pretty much justice to everything in the original although some sections were unfortunately cut, like the iconic laser scene.
Overall thoughts: Very good action horror game, not very scary, but very fun to play. If you haven't played the og then you'll enjoy this even more than I did!