It's quite fun although it does get a bit repetitive after a while. You can have some quite scary moments here as well as very funny ones. The mods make it more replayable and fun!

I'm glad the game's back but the performance isn't great, I have some huge fps drops in some stages.

The combat now feels way more sluggish, if it was a bit slower I'd understand but you really notice a HUGE difference whwen playing with characters that were faster before. You get used to it and I guess this deals with people who just used to spam attacks.

There's now a PVE mode that's pretty basic, a couple dialogues, fights and a few mini-games. Some have trashed on it but I think it's fine. Each match has its set of challenges to complete although they all have one where you have to play with a friend which can be a bit annoying, since you won't always have a friend available.

You can now get stuff with character mastery points!! You can get The Batman Who Laughs skin for 100k points, it takes a good while to get that but it's a pretty coop skin you can get for me. I'm actually surprise it didn't end up being sold on the store.

Those who had played the game when it was in Open beta get this battle pass for free and you get enough gleamium (premium currency) to get the next battle pass if you want!

Speaking of battle pass, they removed the xp you got from every match, just to make it longer to complete lol, what a stupid change...

At the end of the matches there would always be something that showed how much damage you dealt, how many ringouts,etc but that got removed too...
The tutorial now is one of the most basic I've seen for a fighting game, it doesn't even tell you all types of attacks... So for those who didn't play it before they'll have to watch something on YouTube to get the grasp of some mechanics that were explained in the game before.

Some QOL improvements and nice content will probably make me enjoy it way more!

It's still overall fun tho.

IT'S PEAK!!! Gonna write a proper review after I have more playtime, but it is super fun from what I've played.
UPDATE 1: I have 9h of playtime right now and the game's overall really good, just needs some tweaks in the gameplay. Some enemies feel too spongy, the dodge feels weird and some weapons too imo. You can also stunlock enemies after destroying their armor lol, makes the game slightly easier. Dunno if these were intentional so it can be a bit different from Hades 1 but the gameplay feels a bit off. It's still in EA so this willl probably get adressed.

JJK Cursed Clash is a mess and a total bore of a game. I really like the anime and this game just made me want to either read the manga again or just watch the anime, it tells the story through mostly anime screenshots, there's a couple cutscenes but they're not great. Graphically the game's kinda bad, it could and should've looked way better. The main menu looks like it's from a dvd from 15 years ago. The menu of the free batttle mode when you're selecting your characters is basically an excel sheet, who actually thought this was a good choice? The gameplay is also a mess, defending and dodging takes one thousand years, it doesn't feel responsive at all, and it's pretty much the same thing with the rest of the gameplay. There were a couple battles that made me rage due to how clunky the game felt, it sometimes felt less responsive than TWD: Destinies lol. The ultimate attacks also feel weak, so when you do manage to hit one it doesn't feel very rewarding.
The only positives about this game are the cursed energy mechanics which you gotta build up to use special moves and that the story mode has quite a couple fights that weren't that important in the anime, there's still some battles missing but it's fine. If the game had cutscenes like the storm games the story would be more enjoyable, I'd have not minded if they just used anime clips.
Overall, this game is a mess and a huge disappointment.

This review contains spoilers

This was really good and an overall HUGE improvement over the first game! The story feels and is more interesting, more characters that are interesting, I really liked Saga, Casey was cool too, Odin and Tor, Rose, was also nice to see them again. I must say though, that the combat felt a little underwhelming for me, some enemies were bullet sponges, not a lot of enemy variety, but at least the game doesn't throw you into a fight each 2 minutes like the first game did. The "Herald of Darkness" set piece was amazing. I was going to say I thought the pacing felt a bit off to me sometimes, but I can't really count this as a complaint since I did play every chapter I could as Alan before I kept playing as Saga again. If I had switched between them then maybe I would've thought the pacing was good. The puzzles are nice, some are very simple, some you gotta use your head. I still gotta think about that ending... Anyway, this a great survival-horror game with two good lead characters, an interesting story and okay/serviceable gameplay. 9/10

The first Yakuza game I played. I love this game so much! It has a good story, good combat, soundtrack, characters and setting.

This was pretty fun, the I thing I disliked most about the game is the apparent adaptive difficulty system, if you don't die a lot you willl sometimes die with just one shot, it was a bit annoying sometimes when there were a lot of enemies in one place. The story is good, I liked the graphic novels panels as "cutscenes", the art style there is very nice. Graphically the game still looks good imo, played it on pc with everything maxed out. The soundtrack is also nice! Normal gunplay feels a bit clunky but I'd say that's okay since this is a 22 year-old game, but during bullet time while dodging it feels very good! There were a couple times where Max would sometimes get stuck mid air when I needed to jump to a certain spot and he would just go against an invisible barrier, that was a bit annoying too. I also thought the final fight and the aftermath were a bit underwhelming. I'm sure that if I played it a couple years ago I'd have enjoyed the gameplay a bit more but by today's standards it feels a bit clunky. 7.5/10

An amazing ending to Nate's story. The visuals got a huge upgrade since it was the first Uncharted game to be developed for PS4, the gameplay also got way better. Amazing set pieces, lots of action, Sam is a great addition to the franchise and to the game's plot.

I was excited to finally play TEW, I love horror/horror themed games, Alan Wake 2, TLoU 1 and 2, the og re4, re2r, SH2 and SH3 are all games I liked playing through. i was very burnt-out in the couple last chapters of TEW. Why? Very random difficulty spikes, the story kept stalling a lot, some sections are tedious to go through.
In the beginning of the game it seems like stealth will be VERY important throughout the game but there were very few moments where I could actually stealth around. There are even a couple of sections where there are LOTS of enemies you have to fight and imo it takes away some of the tension you were feeling in the previous chapters. RE4 has lots of combat but there was always some tension, even if it was just a little, sometimes there was absolutely no tension here, just boredom until I was done killing tons of enemies. I feel like they wanted stealth to be important but then it's basically tossed away, even when you can stealth around it feels clunky. The action was also dialed up too much sometimes, like I said. The story and the voice acting are okay. There's some very interesting enemy designs here. Graphically it holds up quite nicely for an almost 10 year old game! The gameplay is nice, the stealth is meh, but the gunplay is nice. The soundtrack and sound design are good too! There's a design choice here that feels so random, when you crouch the audio basically is lowered and gets a bit muffled. The level design is good, there are some pretty cool setpieces! The game doesn't feel very fun to play after 9/10 chapters because the story kept stalling and there were also those difficulty spikes I mentioned. The game also crashed out of nowhere a couple times, sometimes in the middle of a cutscene, sometimes in the inicial logos when booting the game. It got annoying because sometimes I lost 10/15 mins of progress.
Overall I still liked this game even though it drags quit a bit and is tedious in some parts.

I had already played this for a couple hours on PS4, so it was nice playing it again and paying more attention this time around.
The visuals, soundtrack, story/lore all very good and interesting, you're always curious to learn more about this universe. I think the gameplay gets a bit stale after a while, some parts can be very confusing and one thing that really bothered me was that you could only see the logs from stuff you've found in your ship.
That aside, this is a pretty unique game and if you like slow paced games this is amazing for you!! I didn't play the dlc, maybe in the future.

The gameplay is the best and pretty much the only good thing about this game. The voice acting, story, characters were all pretty bad or poorly developed, the city feels empty, side activities are very repetitive, swinging is fun although the camera sometimes got in the way. People talk so much good stuff about this game so I was expecting a bit more... It is fun for a while, then it becomes tedious.

The gameplay is overall good, but even after finishing the game I still dislike how short the time you have to parry is, it could be slightly longer, like in Sekiro. Late game enemies (not bosses) have either a huge health pool or kill you in just a couple hits, I'm not really a fan of this but I guess it adds to the game's difficulty. The story is interesting too, better than what I expected. I wasn't a fan of some areas, like the factory and the last section, just my personal preference though, I didn't think they were badly designed, just not areas I'm eager to revisit or backtrack to. Some bosses are a bit annoying since they have an unnecessary second phase, imo they could "transform" when their hp was at 50% instead. They also sometimes attack you several times very quickly so it can get annoying since you'll die pretty much instantly if you don't parry them or dodge. SOME BOSSES ATTACKS HITBOXES' ARE BROKEN. There were a couple times when I thought "There was NO WAY that hit me." It's annoying but if you keep your distance it's fine. Hopefully in the sequel they make a lot of QoL improvements, I'm hyped for it.

Cringe humor, it drags a bit sometimes, some characters are almost unlikeable at times, there are some tense moments which are fun. I'd say this is a poor man's Until Dawn.

Pretty fun game, the story and the gameplay are good for the most part, the mj sections are a bit boring.