This was quite disappointing, there's some gameplay upgrades, but nothing that's game-changing. The visuals are insane yes, everything looks crazy good!
The story was very underwhelming, I like what they were going for but the execution was not good at all imo.
Some machines also feel super tanky unless you're using a very specific weapon, it's annoying sometimes.
The gameplay has some new stuff but nothing that really makes the game stand out a lot from the first one.
If you liked the first one then you'll probably enjoy this one too! I did like it to a point, but I think I'd actually replay the first game over this one.

The first God of War game was the only one I had not played until now. I think it has overall aged fine, there's some frustrating camera angles, enemies and level design, specially during the last hour.
The way the story is told wasn't that interesting to me but since I already knew pretty much the entire plot I guess that's on me.
Gameplay wise the core is very similar to what I remember of GoW 2/3 and the psp games, I was surprised by that! I though there would be fewer powers and just one weapon, for example.
Graphically it looks okay. some cutscenes look worse than the gameplay (something insane to even think about nowadays lmao), there's some also some visually appealing sceneries here! I can imagine how good a remake of this one and 2 would look (hopefully they're more of a visual remake although I hope the gameplay is a bit improved).
The puzzles were nice, some were a bit boring, but overall they're fine.
The soundtrack was nice!
The voice acting is also good although some lines sounded almost satirical.
Overall, it's a fun hack and slash game with an interesting MC, backstory, cool boss fights and some frustrating sections.

Didn't enjoy it as much as I did when I played it a couple years ago, but it's still fun overall!
The gameplay is nice although it's not very responsive sometimes, specially when facing multiple enemies in a smaller area. It gets repetitive after a while but since the game isn't very long you never get really bored of it. The Noir levels are more stealth based so that changes the gameplay a bit but the other 3 Spider-Men levels are more action oriented.
The story is fun! Each Spider-man has its bit of own story although none are really well developed so there's enough focus on the 4 of them. They're okay.
The levels have their own unique aesthetic, the game has aged really well in terms of visuals! They do feel a bit repetitive after a while since there's a not a lot of objectives variety.
Overall, it's a fun Spider-Man game!

A fun but repetitive and super dragged out game.
The story starts out nicely but then it quickly becomes an uninteresting and too long mess. There's like 14 or 15 alliances you gotta do and when something happens to a character you just don't really care because you didn't spend that much time with them, so some important story beats felt very weak imo, specially the ending.
The gameplay, although similar to Origins and Odyssey, feels a bit better, mainly during combat which is always pretty fun to the point where stealth isn't that interesting or enticing to do. There's some very cool finishers that are always fun to see after you kill a strong enemy. There isn't lots of enemy variety unfortunately so after a couple hours you'll have pretty much faced every type of enemy. The raids are always fun too although they also get repetitive after a while.
The map is pretty big but it's mostly uninteresting and I never felt interested in seeing what it had to offer. I did a few side quests, they were okay. The dice mini game is cool and you can spend some time with it!
My biggest problems with this game are the progression system and how the story is told. You will get to a point where you either grind and do tons of side activities to increase your power level or go the options and increase the damage you deal and reduce the damage you receive, I did that and thank god!! I thought the game's story was already dragging and if I didn't use those options I'd have doubled my playtime and gotten even more tired of it. The skill tree in this game is also atrocious. The actual good upgrades are locked behind "+5.2 melee damage" type of upgrades and it's super tiring after a while because there are tons of upgrades to do. I get this is to increase the overall playtime but it's terrible imo. I'd rather have a smaller skill tree that was more enticing to do. This boring progression system gets even worse since the main story is related to your power level. Wanna do the next alliance? The suggested power level is 50 lvls away from yours! You can try doing it anyway but it will be hard since enemies will be very tanky. It just made me lose even more interest in the story. I hope AC Red adresses this! Because if the story here didn't have the power level requirements it would've been better. I get they don't want you unlocking the whole map at once but it could be done in another way. For example, that area could be in siege and would unlock after some alliances or just say the Animus is corrupted or something lol.
Visually, the game mostly looks quite nice! There are some npc's that don't look too good and some facial animations are ehh. But it's also just style and not a lot of substance. It looks good but it's not interesting to travel through the map, it's very bland. If the story was interesting and most of the characters were too I probably would've explored more even if it's not too interesting, I'd wanna spend more time in that world, to see everything it had to offer, which was what I did with Odyssey.
Overall, like I said in the beggining, it's a fun but too stretched out game with a meh story and characters.

Finally replayed this on PC and my thoughts are pretty much the same.
Visually the game looks really good and I did not play with ray tracing on, so, if you do have it on it will look even better.
The story and the mc and some characters are interesting.
For some reason the main game and the dlc's all end a bit too abruptly.
The pacing is nice, you get new powers from time to time and it's always nice using them.
The side characters aren't very well developed imo and I didn't really care for most of them, the facials animations aren't also very good for the most so it doesn't help too.
The game also has TONS of collectibles, if you don't like reading a lot you'll miss some nice lore.
The gameplay is nice although it gets repetitive after a while, most enemies encounters will play out very similarly, I wish there was more variety to what you could do with some of the powers. The melee combat here is literally just one attack, there could at least be another move to send enemies upwards, for example. You can upgrade your abilities and some have additional benefits but nothing too game changing.
The game's harder than most AAA games and it sometimes is annoying, thankfully there are some options which make you literally immortal and one shot every enemy (even bosses), so if you're having a hard time you can use those options. There's a couple of fights that are very annoying due to how tanky some enemies are and when there's lots of them. I think difficulty options would've been great here.
You can also customize Jesse's "item" slots to have more hp, energy, etc depending on what you have equipped. You can get new equipments from enemies and chests, you can also customize your weapons with this.
The map sometimes is very confusing! You have to look really close to see where it's actually leading to.
There's also some missions where you may be confused as what you have to do, there's some "puzzles" that are very dumb.
The first dlc is meh, you basically solve four puzzles, get 1 ability you can only use there and then there's a boss fight.
The Alan Wake dlc was a great improvement in terms of everything although it ends too abruptly, after you defeat the last boss there's a cutscene which teases something and that's it, Jesse doesn't say a word after the cutscene ends lol.
Overall, it's a very good looking game, the gameplay is nice although it gets repetitive and sometimes frustrating, the story, the setting, Jesse are all very interesting and I'm hyped for Control 2! I'm hoping for more variety in combat and better side character development!

The beginning of the Souls games. Really good atmosphere and boss designs! The designs of common enemies are okay.
It's clunky in some aspects but you get used to it after a while although it still is annoying sometimes.
There's some very cool level design in some of the sections! Makes you wanna explore the whole area.
The story's okay.
It's crazy how the core gameplay of the souls games is still very similar to this one but each time more refined!
Overall, it's a great introduction to the souls games (since it's literally the start of the genre/franchise) and a good game, some sections are a bit tedious due to the lack of bonfires, it makes sense that all the other games they released after have them lol.

Nice FPS! Mostly basic but nice gameplay with some mechanics that aren't used to its full extent like the gas mask and its filters.
I played on normal but I thought the game was mostly a bit easier than it should be.
The story and characters are okay.
The enemies' designs were also fine, there's not a ton of variety too. Most are also easy to kill so some tension is lost afer a while.
Visually the game still looks quite good with some really nice locations that are quite distinct from each other.
The level design is good! There's some areas you can approach from different angles depending on your playstyle.
I'll play Last Light and Exodus maybe this year too.

It's actually insane how this game is available on Steam and it's the only SH game there. The vanilla version runs at 30fps, has broken qte's, crashes a lot, it makes an already poorly made game even worse. I installed a patch that fixed those issues for the most part, I probably wouldn't have finished it if not for that.
The game's story is meh, it could be better but it's also not the worst thing in the world. The main character isn't very interesting but he could've been worse, it's the same thing with side characters. I also can't believe they used Pyramid Head in this for like 3/4 scenes, it's hilariously bad. The voice acting and sound design is mostly bad, with sound effects often just not playing.
The atmosphere is nice during a few sections but it's mostly lacking.
The combat system here is kinda bad, it's not that responsive and sometimes your attacks don't even affect an enemy when it should. It's pretty barebones but it's an interesting change from previous titles, just not a very good one. The game also makes you fight some enemies or you'll have a hard time exploring some sections so that makes you get even more bored of the combat and the way it works.
The enemies are a very mixed bag, some have interesting designs (specially bosses) but they're mostly a chore to fight against.
Overall, it's not a good SH game. As a horror game, it's playable (with a patch) but you'd be better off with pretty much any other horror game.

I already knew most of the big plot points that drive the story before playing it and I also knew some people said the story was bad. I don't think it's bad, but it feels underdeveloped and rushed sometimes. I couldn't really connect with Harry in this game, I actually think I cared more about him in the first game where he only shows up in pictures, audios and one scene lol. Some cutscenes should be a bit longer, I felt a couple of moments were rushed so I wasn't really impacted by it. Venom and Kraven were also meh for me. The story's is a bit all over the place, not bad but it was very underwhelming for me.
It has a nice visual upgrade from the previous games although that's only noticeable at times, there's parts where some models look weird for a next gen game.
The gameplay had a nice upgrade too, swinging is WAY faster now and the web wings are a really good addition. I don't like how now you have fewer gadgets but you have more abilities to choose from so yeah. There was also a weird change with how focus works, now you can only heal when you have a full focus bar, it makes the game slightly harder than the previous two. The combat has a couple more options too but it's not a huge difference as some people may expect. I was fine with it! I felt like some enemies were very tanky unless you start upgrading the damage you can deal.
The boss fights were overall better here, minus the last one. They were more challenging and more diverse.
The soundtrack was nice! Maybe not as memorable as the one from the 2018 game but it was stil good! I love the black cat theme!
The open world is bigger but it doesn't really feel that big since now you can web swing way faster so yeah. The side activities aren't still very interesting for the most part, there's 2-3 good side missions, the rest is meh. The collectibles were also a downgrade from the previous two games, unfortunately. There's less crime variety for some reason and there's one from the previous games that was made even simpler...
Overall, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 looks and plays very nicely, but the story was underwhelming and rushed, I did not care for some characters and the open world still isn't very interesting to explore.

Hm... Although I wasn't as amazed as most people were by Elden Ring it's still a fine game, just one one I maybe won't replay.
The open world is nice, there's quite a ton of interesting areas but there's also tons of areas that aren't that interesting and feel like they're there just to extend even more your gameplay time. The map is also MASSIVE, the surface is already huge and there's tons of dungeons and caves too, I quickly got burnt out of trying to explore everything, some places didn't interest me, others had annoying enemies (I'll get into that in a bit).
The gameplay is good although I was expecting more differences from DS3, sure, the horse riding and air attacks are cool but not a HUGE difference. I like open world games, I love FC3, RDR2, Sleeping Dogs, etc but here I wasn't that interested in exploring every nook and cranny, maybe due to the game's story being partially (big partially) through lore. I think ER could have had a more "standard" story like Sekiro, or at least a speaking protagonist.
I also don't like how "hard" it is to keep track of side quests or what to do to progress in some of them (this also applies to the main story), sometimes you'll probably be quite lost. I think there wouldn't be a problem if the game had a menu where you could keep track of the side content and the main objective. The main objective could even be vague! But in a way you could realize what you need to do. The side quests could have more specific objectives but whatever, this was also in the souls games so I don't think that'll change soon.
In terms of combat/enemies, it's either good or very annoying. Some enemies have difficult moves to react to but they're fun fighting against! Others have bs range or deal ridiculous amounts of damage (this is terrible in the last part of the game). There's 2 bosses that I thought were very unfun, not hard, just not fun to play against.
Visually the game looks good for the most part! If you're really nitpicky you may notice some textures aren't that high res but it gets the job done nicely so that wasn't a problem for me. The art direction here is insane, there's some genuinely jaw dropping scenery. There's some very cool enemy and boss designs and the weapons and armors also look good!
There's very good weapon and magic variety so you can make tons of builds to see what better fits your playstyle.
The soundtrack was (as always) really food! It makes the boss battles even more epic and tense than what they already are.
Overall, it's a nice game although imo the open world hurts it more than it helps. If the game had very big areas, but it wasn't open world, I'd probably have loved it. It got stale for me after a while. But if you're really into dark souls and wanted a longer game with tons of stuff to do here's your dream game!
My ranking of the FS games I've played so far (I didn't finish DS3, I was at the last boss. I started the dlc's but eventually I sold my ps4 so I never did totally finish it) is: Sekiro > Bloodborne > DS3, Elden Ring.
I'm interested in the dlc! The trailer looked pretty good.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is a game that's very similar to the old GoW's core gameplay and for the most part it works fine!
I had played this for like 30 minutes last year and then forgot to continue it lol.
The story is okay, some parts were predictable, a couple of moments were cool and some were boring. The voice acting was meh for the most part making some moments not feel impactful.
The combat is fine, sometimes you'll be hitting normal enemies and they don't get knocked back or stunned so sometimes you don't feel very powerful. There's quite some platforming and it's usually okay, some parts are very cool but most are okay.
Graphically it looks quite nice during gameplay! The pre rendered cutscenes don't look very good, they're not terrible looking though.
The level design is okay, some parts I liked playing through, others not so much. Some puzzles were a chore.
The last boss battle (from the dlc) was terrible, very frustrating to fight against, super unfun.
Overall, if you're looking for a game that's similar to the og GoW's you'll probably have a decent time with it.
I'll probably play Mirror of fate this year and then LoS 2.

Buckshot Roulette is pretty fun!! It's basically Russian Roulette on steroids, the game may be too easy if you use the items you get during the rounds but if you don't check the rounds it's anxiety inducing! The sound design and the soundtrack are pretty nice too!
I'd love some more replayability like some extra dialogues, new items or one of those modes where you go against several enemies until your hp runs out, I think that'd be a great fit for the game.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice will soon be 7 years old. It still looks quite stunning! The atmosphere, character models, enemies is all very well textured and modeled.
The story was okay, I expected something a bit more developed. Senua is a very interesting character though.
The gameplay is very simple most of the time, it's only more complex during combat. When dealing with 3-4 enemies it can be frustrating sometimes due to the camera angle. The puzzles were mostly very boring and some "stealth" sections were boring too. The voices "mechanic" kinda felt it was just there.
Overall, it's an okay story game, really good graphics, an okay story and some very ok/meh gameplay.


Incredible atmosphere and tension building. Graphically it's still stunning and what we know about the plot is very interesting. The gamelay, although very simple here, works very well for this type of demo. It's a shame Silent Hills got cancelled but it's also incredible to see how much it influenced so many games and inspired games like Layers of Fear and Visage.

6.5/10 for RE8
4/10 for the dlc
RE8 is quite different from its predecessor in some aspects, there's more exploration now, way more fights, you'll have tons of ammo most of the time and it feels WAY less scarier overall.
I think the story is okay, it starts strong but then it never really reaches that same level again for almost the entire game. The Dimitrescu family was poorly used. Ethan talks more now which is very nice and adds more to his character. Chris was also cool. I'd have liked some more Mia but whatever.
The core gameplay is very similar to 7's but it was fine, I didn't mind it. There's now a merchant where you can buy or sell stuff and upgrade your weapons like in RE4. There's a large area you can explore for some extra rewards, I only did some stuff, it was okay. Imo the game not feeling scary for 95% of the time takes a lot away from it. The boss battles here are in a bigger scale which may not please everyone, I was fine with it for the most part.
The main game is fine, nothing amazing like RE7 was but it's fun for the most part, I didn't really like how much more action oriented although it did fit with the story.
The level design is quite good! I only got lost once and it was because the map was not helping at all lol.
The enemy design is fine, some are generic and others are very cool.

Now, the dlc was all over the place. The story had some very strange twists and boring gameplay sections that made me never wanna replay it again. The gameplay was ok, the stealth parts were super boring, damn.
I expected wayyy more of it.