Before, I had only ever played the Mario Party games for N64. I got curious about later Mario Party titles and was quite disgusted at what I found (Mario Party 9.)

I'm glad they made this game, I quite like it. If they make the game faster paced, stop giving pity coins, and add new boards/ remake old ones, this would be the definitive way to play Mario Party. It got so close.

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I wanted to enjoy this game, I really did, but between the combat and the exposition dumps... I couldn't really get myself to like it. The character writing in this one is much better than in the games before it, I loved Kiryu, Haruka, Majima, Rikiya, Nakahara, Mikio, Saki. And Mine... Mine was there, I didn't particularly care for him.

Just like Kiwami 2, I found myself enjoying this game less the more the story progressed. I was really into all the Okinawa stuff... the orphanage, the substories and the Resort deal/Military expansion thing, it's a shame that last one turned out to be something completely different.

I wouldn't suggest skipping this game, like I've seen people suggest online, but I definitely would've preferred just watching a playthrough myself instead.

I'm just glad I finally get to move on to the next game.

I'm so glad Capcom freed this game from its DS prison.

It's hard for me to write a review on this game because I honestly love everything about it! The music, the art and the writing is impeccable all around.

If you've ever enjoyed any of the Ace Attorney games, this is a must-play.

I played global.

This game has gacha elements, which is a shame because it's actually pretty fun! And I mean, as long as you play by yourself and don't really care about rank, you'll be fine. There's a story(ies?) which I completely skipped because I'm trying to play a rhythm game, lol.

This has terrible lag on low-mid range phones like mine (Samsung A22) I had to play on someone else's device.

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I really like this game and if it wasn't for the last 4 hours of the game I would've rated it a 4.5.

I was really invested in pretty much all the new characters, the side content was great as always. I didn’t care for the story that much, but the characters were enough for me to keep playing. Ryuji was criminally underutilized, though, and hopefully he’ll appear in other installments. Majima was incredibly silly. Kiryu gets some very good moments, too. I didn’t have high expectations for Sayama, considering the previous game, but she blew my expectations and then some. I was into the Kiryu and Sayama romance at the beginning, but after their first kiss scene it was all down hill, so much so that I kinda hate the idea of them possibly getting together. The part where Kiryu almost gets Haruka into the entertainment history was disastrous, I was literally yelling at Kiryu through the screen the whole. It was the only time I was genuinely angry at any of these characters, it was just so bad. The whole story had an air of anti-Korean xenophobic sentiment I didn’t really enjoy.

The ending was something else. Too many plot twists, way too ridiculous, by the time the credits rolled I was laughing my ass off, and I’m pretty sure I wasn't supposed to. I truly have no words for it, it’s something you have to experience for yourself.

Despite its flaws, I thoroughly enjoyed the Dragon Engine. Sure, the fights were a little boring, but they were not cumbersome, so I didn’t really mind it. The substories were TOO good, probably one of my favorites parts of this game if I have to be honest. It was straight up evil to have Haruka’s requests available during the story, I got stuck on Virtual On and the golfing mini-game for three days. Evil. Did I mention this has the Cabaret mini-game?

When it comes to the Majima Saga: I enjoyed it over all. The opening cutscenes made me expect more yakuza politics, which we really didn’t get. It was great to see how Majima left the Tojo clan and how he decided to start Majima Construction. I love all things Makoto, and even though I loved how both Majima and Makoto got some well deserved closure, the whole thing felt a little off. Mainly how I felt It was unrealistic that Makoto hadn't changed at all in 18 years, It’s almost like she was plucked straight from Majima’s memories, like she’s just an extension of Majima’s Tragic Backstory™ and not her own person. Might just be me, though.

Pretty good game with an unintentionally hilarious ending.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get carpal tunnel thanks to this game.

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After finishing Yakuza 0 I had very high expectations for this game. The writing in this felt... clunky, I couldn't care less for Yumi. Nishiki hard carried the story part of the game, even though I dislike a lot of the choices they took with him. What I enjoyed the most is the side stuff, though. I had a blast with Majima everywhere, and I loved going to the cabaret clubs. The sides stories felt weak in comparison to the ones in 0.

Edit: Increased rating after sitting on my thoughts about the game for a while.

I played the first two chapters and then stopped for MONTHS, then I went back, met Majima and EVERYTHING changed. I finished the main story in like two weeks after that, and I'm currently working through the rest of the substories and stuff.

This is the perfect mixture of stupid goofy humor and serious, sometimes heart-wrenching drama. The story is great, the characters are great, the game is great, there's always something to do in town. I don't tend to leave reviews, but god! this game is too good!

i'm nowhere near to finishing the main quest but wtf this game is unreal?