3 reviews liked by minerali

bloat turns to rot

i will preface this by saying i genuinely, for the most part, had a pretty enjoyable time with this game. it was very funny at moments and some characters are really good.

aside from that? eh.

the puzzles are a major step down from 999. where 999 felt it encouraged you to think and figure things out and try different options, VLR says you must do it My way, that is the Only solution. i figured out puzzles ahead of time, but because i had not done one specific unrelated thing, to get some kind of dialogue, despite everything else being in place, the puzzle goes unsolvable. it also has puzzles that expect insane amounts from the player, and to have outside knowledge of so many things. god bless anyone who played this game on the 3ds with no internet, i would not have been able to get through it.

the characters range from pretty interesting to not wanting them to be on my screen, which is another step down from 999, in which everyone is great. using each character as a way to define endings also means that some get 'was that it?' endings, and some get the most overblown bloated ridiculous eye-rolling endings ever. i think if about 6 plot elements were taken out of this game it would have been hugely better.

the lack of personality from the player character compared to the vibrant insanity of Junpei in 999 is a shame, but ig they had reasons for it. the change from beautiful 2d sprites to the 3d models also somehow gives them a little less personality and removes the beautiful feel of 999. but i also saw dio being pinned down several times so thats nice.

the games own internal logic leads itself to fall apart, and i've yet to have any sort of feeling of satisfaction from finishing the game, which really just felt like an entire setup for the third game, which i don't want to play yet, because i am recovering from this game, which made me feel like the lowly termite i am, incapable of understanding uchikoshi's mind as i am not a higher being, which is a shame.

anyway yeah, still want to play ztd, still enjoyed 999 a lot, this just really was the schrodingers cats we made along the way



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If you wanna play this, you gotta be the most patient gamer possible because the cryptic, most vague, Easter egg steps and solutions to solve these puzzles are absolutely mind boggling. Personally I did enjoy the game, a nice touch and difference from your average RPG. This one, you are transported to a world where you aren’t the main RPG guy and you have to save people’s souls and let them transcend to the moon and you receive LOVE, the most important thing in the world. So, while this RPG guy is just killing everything, you are helping out everyone and receiving LOVE and eventually you will fly to the moon. THE STEPS TO GET THESE 5 PARTS ARE RIDICULOUS I HAD TO FIND A WALKTHROUGH AND THERE WASNT ANY. THE RNG FOR FISHING IS WOWZERS I GOT A DAMN TADPOLE 20 times. Anyways, I do appreciate the humor and the different take on the RPG and despite the Easter egg cod zombie steps, the game was very enjoyable and kept me entertained. This gotta be an inspiration for UNDERTALE AND OMORI.





this game is the most wonderous, the most wow, the best in the world.

do you own a heart? woudl you like it ripped from your very being and shoved into a hole full of worms and the worms have so much agony they will put into your heart but also there is so much hoep and joy and love and wow in the worms and the worms are feeding your heart all of these things? good, omori is the game for you :)

kel is the bestest in the wworld