26 reviews liked by missmurderyou

Graphically the game is beautiful, Combat is similar to the first game, it's simple and easy to use without any issues
Soundtrack is beautiful although at some stages the fight music kicked it when there wasn't any human or robo-dino enemies nearby, keeps you on your toes i guess lol

Story was good, enjoyed it and last boss fight was fun, only thing (same as the first game) that i didn't enjoy on this game was the bloody hunting Trials, thankfully you don't have to get all marks for the trophy, just the lowest one although most are easy up till the last ones.

Great game and would highly recommend

I grew up playing the Crash Bandicoot Games and loved them so much, When this remake trilogy was announced i was so excited and wasn't dissapointed!

The Graphics on this are really good for the game it is and looks great!
The combat is just as good and smooth as the original games, Spin, Spin and jump plus with the later powerups in the games it's alot of fun

Bonus and extra levels are fun too, if you're going for the 100% learn the levels well so you can smash out those platinum relics for that beautiful completion

I absolutely love this game!
I played this on day 1 release on PS4 originally and didn't have any bugs or issues but it was obviously not finished
After 2ish years i got it on Steam and loved the game, the updates have made this game so much more playable and smooth, it's a fun game and you can sink hours into this game

Graphically it looks beautiful especially with the ray tracing enabled and graphics on the highest settings, unless your PC is a monster it may lose frames with the ray tracing but it's not a necessity but really does look amazing

Story is good but not the most amazing story to experience but it's something to enjoy atleast, there's ALOT of side quests you can do and side jobs to keep you busy, level up and find more cars and weapons to use which can help alot later in the main missions. It's definitely worth playing

Combat is great, like the witcher games you just choose which weapons you want to use and it tells you which guns are better than others although using your mighty katana's is where it's at! Those beasts will tear through anyone!

The driving can sometimes take a little to adjust too but once you're used to it, it's not so bad, i prefer driving with the camera on the inside of the car but sometimes an outer view helps too.

Played this on the ps1 growing up and loved every second of it, even the dodgy jumping and combat
nostalgia hits hard

I played this originally on the Xbox 360 and was my first major JRPG game which opened up a whole new world for me in the JRPG genre!

So Graphically the game is decent, it's your normal JRPG open world graphics but when you come into new towns the game looks nice but man those full anime cutscenes really make this game look outstanding and are used at the perfect moments for the story

The story is a great experience too, without spoilers it's definitely worth playing this for the story, the characters you mean along the way also make it quite fun although half the time the characters act like idiots in the sense of "this is a door, you can open them" which makes it quite funny at times

You can change characters titles, costumes if you have the DLC and also what armour, ect that they are all using, you can tell which character to prioritise with fighting or healing and when to go all in or heal and be safe
There is a cooking menu too for which you learn recipes along the way to create food to heal and give buffs.

This is also split screen co-op but without the splitscreen, the 2nd player can only join when there's a battle (that i'm aware of) so you can enjoy a story and both battle when it matters!
You can also choose when or if a AI can use a healing or other items to control your fights and inventory

The soundtrack to this game is also amazing, the intro is my favourite in the entire series but Berseria is close behind, as is zestiria... THEY ARE ALL SO GOOD!

First Yakuza game i've ever played and i loved every minute!

Graphically the game looks really nice, it's not the most beautfiul game but it's definitely one to look around ona nd enjoy the small details

The story to this takes a little to get into but once you get sucked in you just wanna see what more there is coming and see where the story leads
There is also plenty of side quests and collectibles to find and do which are very funny and some serious ones too but it's a fantastic adventure

The soundtrack is great and one of my favourite activities is the dancing in the club, although on easy because i'm too dumb to do the fast ones, there's baseball and bowling to do aswell, you'll also be able to start your own gentlemens club aswell which has alot you can do with it if your'e willing to spend the time, there's so much available and this is definitely worth the play
Kiwami is next!

Originally played this on PS4 and completed the story but i didn't really enjoy it overly that much but after getting the PS5 upgrade i seemed to enjoy the game alot more

Got the platinum on the PS5 version and it was much better in my opinion
Graphically Fallen Order looks really good, it's a nice looking game and i didn't notice many textures bugs or glitches throughout
The combat was fun though, Stormtroopers shooting towards you and just flicking the bullets back at them with one flick of the saber was fun and the combat with unlockable perks was great to use and tutorials to go along with it.

Story wise it's good but it didn't pull me in quite as much as other games have in the past but it's still a fun game to enjoy if you're a Star Wars fan

you can go back to planets afterwards aswell to get the rest of any collectibles missed and obtaining the 100% on every map exploration was a bit of a pain at times but there's plenty of guides that can help with that if you're stuck for any reason.

Good game, Good story, fun and a nice soundtrack to go along with it
You can also choose to have a double saber (RIP MAUL) and customise your saber with different parts and colours and change the colour of the lightsabers laser too

This was one of my first playstation games when i got a playstation 4 console and loved every second of it
I watched a youtuber play this and wanted to play it so badly, it was worth the wait!

Graphically the game is really nice, nothing amazing but it still looks nice with all the colour and surrounding map

Combat from what i remember was smooth and easy to get to grips with, just shooting magic plasma balls of Justice at enemies and power ups is quite fun although some enemies until you know how to take them down can get fairly annoying at times.

Story wise, i'm not gonna lie i don't really remember what happened or what the story was about but that's not to say it's not good, i honestly just have a memory like a squashed spider. I do remember though you can choose to be good or bad in this game and depending on what your actions are will take you down either path, i believe you could be "neutral" aswell

This is an easy platinum though aswell, trophies are easy to pick up, some just take a little bit of time but it's all worth it and the game is fun so you can't really go wrong with this one.

Sleeping Dogs is a game i played originally on the Xbox 360 and just had to get the definitive edition when they were released, first on Xbox one and then on PS4 once i got the console. This is one of those games i've completed multiple times across different platforms because i loved the game so much

Graphically the game is nice, it's definitely last Gen graphics but it still looks good, a remake of this game with ps5 power and graphics would make this game look phenominal and i can dream right?
Driving mechanics can take a little to get used to, you tend to fly around corners and turning is very hit & miss sometimes but once you get used to it it's not that bad

Combat is fun! It's martial arts based and you press Triangle to counter enemy kicks and punches then hit them back with your own moved, it's a little timing based but not quite QTE's. You can find collectables to uprade your skills and attacks and also health, stamina and use weapons around you and even the enviroment, who doesn't love slapping someone with a live fish you've just picked up from a fish tank you've just smashed using an enemies skull right?

You can also get different vehicles to use, some you buy some from missions and there's KARAOKE! Who doesn't love that and they've got some banging songs on there too with more you can unlock!

Story in my opinion is quite good when you think about what's happening with the characters and where the story goes later on in the game, also you get to date Emma stone, best game 10/10? i think so!

If you've not played this amazing game, pick it up! one day we may get a remaster or even a sequel!

The Graphics to Star Wars Battlefront II are pretty good considering it's mainly a online shooter-esk game, the online multiplayer was quite fun from what i remember playing but it's much more fun with friendo's.

Combat is similar to the 2005 battlefront II with it being shooter based until you have enough to unlock a Jedi/Sith and smash some pasties with a lightsaber whilst every enemy possible is aiming laser guns your way!
it's smooth, easy to play with and just go out and enjoy your Darth Maul fantasies.

Story mode to this wasn't all that great, things happened, i've already forgotten but i'm sure there's plenty of gamers out there who love the story and enjoyed playing through it

It's a fairly easy Platinum aswell, takes some time though and you have to play different game modes doing certain things but it's mostly obtainable just by normally playing the game through

It's fun for us star wars fans!