I don't really care for this game mainly because I didn't play it while it was popular and there's no point visiting it now when Ultimate is just this game but better. Not that is is a bad games it's just not my favorite

I think everyone knows by know this is an incredible game

A super fun game although I don't go back to it as often as other Marios.

This is my childhood game and my favorite of all time!

I'm more of a 3D world fan but this was fun I'd say

Such a fun game with excellent level design and genius multiplayer.

Kinda bland but a lot of fun with friends

The modding community is great and just an excellent mario kart

My favorite of the New Super Mario Bros games, it feels fresh compared to the later entries and is great on a portable.

The best Mario sports game hands down

A good start start to the series but not one I go back to all that often

So damn good, I play this game all this time and it has so much content for a game from 2001. The competitive scene is so fun to watch as well and just overall a great game

I really like brawl, that's all I will say