Literally it's SMW. I dunno what to say about this. No way I can rate it since it's the first game I ever played to completion as a kid.

Very neat setting and I have a soft spot for ultra-basic oldschool JRPGs like this.

I don't like this game much myself (the humor doesn't really click with me, and I think it has pretty serious balance problems throughout), but I respect people who do.

The best cold open of any piece of media in any medium.

Sublime boss design, kind of bland otherwise. The plot is charming in an SNES JRPG sort of way.

Epic SF plot combined with deep action gameplay, what's not to like?

I grew up never really reading much science fiction, and I credit Baldr Sky with fostering an interest in the genre in me as an adult (I first played it in 2011, when I was 21 or so). In that sense, it's a game I'll never really forget. I still think its take on AI is really cool, too.

Dull mess of a game with annoying characters and a half-baked plot. Way, way long for its own good, and the constant load times don't help!

I have nothing bad to say about the soundtrack, though. Possibly Meguro's best work to date.

The gameplay gets pretty repetitive, and the story suffers from pacing issues in the middle, but if you want a more-or-less traditional JRPG with a consistently serious tone and well-written characters, you're probably not going to find a mass market title that fits the bill better than Berseria. Female protagonist is a major plus, too.

The skits are the best part of the game.

I hope you enjoy backtracking!

Less broken than SD2, but still not very interesting. Has my favorite soundtrack on the SNES.

Excellent level and boss design, but I got really sick of playing the game by the end since you have go to through it three times for the true ending. Has the best version of Termination.

Way too basic to be worth playing now. Was a groundbreaking foray into more cinematic storytelling at the time.

Substantially better than any 3D Zelda, despite coming out before Ocarina of Time. Just play this and forget about that series.

The story has... issues, but in terms of raw game design this remains probably the most consistently well-designed and interesting game I've played of any genre.

Gameplay is absolutely atrocious by modern standards; ARPGs are a genre that really only got better with time. Soundtrack is unbelievably gorgeous and evocative, just try to forget that the composer is a netouyo now.