thats it im permanently fusing myself with a copy of the silver case on the playstation 1 to show that im the biggest fan of this obscure underrated classic that the west mistakenly overlooked

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i did all of the 100 endings for what amounted to be a 50,000 yen joke and it was completely worth it

im going to have gay sex with randy

i completely understand why someone would pay $300 for a copy of this game

they should've named this Kino Cross

i want to kiss the crystal exarch on the mouth

i spent more than 4 years of my life super excited to read this one day and it somehow blew all my expectations away, it's fantastic

only criticism i have is the translation having weird character naming (which was forced by type moon themselves from what ive been told so i wouldnt blame the translators, tbh) and a fair amount of typos, i understand that they most likely just couldnt run a QA check but i really hope a patch is put out sometime. i dont think its thaaaaat big a deal at least but yeah

already the best remake of all time, very excited for red garden

very commendable how you can tell everyone on the staff other than the music composer was working on this with one hand

how did they make the biggest tearjerker of an ending what the fuck

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I turned to fantasy. You stayed in reality.