209 Reviews liked by mordwywr



It was pretty, but way too slow. Nearly half the game, I was just looking towards the end. I enjoyed the visuals and cute little animals, but the game felt like it took forever. It is one indie game that I really don't want to replay or try to 100%.

The visual style felt unique and beautiful, but the gameplay was fairly boring with relatively easy puzzles and a fake sense of danger in what I would call "interactive cutscenes". Maybe I just didn't appreciate the art of the game enough, but I think it was just too slow.

I could listen to an argument for a 3-star rating, but nothing higher.

the camera controls are horrible, they gave me motion sickness, which made the game unenjoyable to me.
if not for that, i'd say this is a very well made cat hidden object game. the cats and yarn are all hidden well, the hint system is good, the isles are great as well.

now i can FINALLY tell the difference between cat and bread!!

Like that scene in Bergman's Saraband where the young girl cuts up vegetables with the old woman waiting for her grandfather to come back.
Reminds me of the more recent Sciamma's Petite Maman on what's here and what isn't.
Reminds me of a lot of things, cause it's short and it's things I never did.
A game like pine, honey, cinnamon, the warmth of autumn.
There's that empty but not sad moment of self conciousness in the present when you only hear your feet in the snow cut up by short silences.
It could've had purposeful camera angles instead of the free camera.
After the grandma tells you the snow was like ice cream to her younger self the following last present part could've had more saturated colours.

Made me realise more complex things on the symbolism of autumn: it's an inbetween or an end, appropriate for anger and sadness, weirdly (or not!) enough that's where its comfy feel comes from, it touches ALL of your emotions.

It's pretty good. The puzzles, while simplistic, do what I wish more puzzles did, and that is be solvable by logical means. A game series I bastardize is The Room as the many "process-elimination" puzzles those games have really bog the series down as it goes. Homesick on the other hand, has a very loose, abstract narrative built around these puzzles. The only reason it isn't higher is because of what a nightmare the last puzzles is (despite how logical it is). Very fun game overall.

Last Day of June is an emotional, contemplative adventure game that deals with love, loss and acceptance. It looks absolutely gorgeous, the sound design is spot on and the puzzles are interesting, easy and make sense. This is all about the experience and the whole journey is worth it to see the heart-wrenching ending that not only delivers completely, but even has a few surprises in tow. Ultimately, for me, Last Day of June is a vivid yet somber testament to the fact that everyone has their own story, everyone has experienced loss and grief at one point.

If you're willing to swallow an ungodly amount of horseshit in the form of awful anime tropes, heteronormativity cranked up to 11 and unrelatable nationalism - then what you're left with is an emotionally devestating rollercoaster with characters that really grow on you

Borderline unrecommendable to people not familiar with VN/anime culture but I'm ultimately glad I stuck with it - also ngl I was in tears for most of the last 20 hours lol

God I wish this was longer. I just played the entire thing in one sitting, SO good. I'm a big fan of puzzle games of all kinds, but especially this type where you get to fidget around with machines and all that, and especially if it's sci-fi. This game hit all the right spots, again just wish it was a little longer.

Being a big fan of the first game, I think this ultra-deluxe version is quite simply brilliant. While the original left me satisfied with the number of different endings, I don't think I fully grasped what made the game so special. However, this version is a whole different beast. The amount of endings is essentially doubled, providing an incredibly fascinating and surrealistic look into the rules and atmosphere of the world through an array of different emotions and mediums. It's disturbing and existential in a way that almost becomes stressful, while simultaneously being one of the funniest games (if not the funniest) that I've ever played. It's this tonal balance that really makes the game work for me along with the insane attention to detail and creativity bursting at every seam. I'm personally a HUGE fan of games that cleverly utilize layers upon layers of meta and commentary in a way that enhances every aspect of the experience. Thankfully this game took this idea and wove it into super imaginative and mindblowing new content. Going for every ending has seriously been such a treat, and I really respect the developers for enhancing and loving something that's so memorable and unique. Brilliant game <3

To put it simply, this game is a whole new level of creative genius that I haven't witnessed in any other video game, probably ever tbh. I've dabbled in card games before and find myself enjoying them from time to time, but this is a card game that engrossed and immersed me into its world like no other. The learning curve feels fair and leads to many accomplishing battles and advancements when it comes to perfecting your deck to move forward in the story, which by the way is full of insane twists and turns that push the game to its absolute limits in the best way possible. I had no idea what was gonna happen next, and the way the game presents the story always keeps the player engaged with whats happening. And wow that final act, the horror elements take full control and create a legitimately terrifying conclusion to an already scary and mystifying experience. I highly recommend this game to anybody, even if you aren't the biggest fan of card games I'd say this is accessible enough for anybody to enjoy



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Supergiant Games's 4th game. Hades came along and showed every roguelite on the market how to do an effective story in a roguelite format. Stellar music, an amazing art style, and tons of customization wrap around every corner of this game.

Combat is fluid, varied, and as challenging as you want it to be. Characters are beautifully narrated and compelling individuals. At the end of a run, you'll think "just one more" and realize it's 4 in the morning. This game can entertain you for as long as you want it to.

100%: The infinite grinding system is purely cosmetic and has no impact on gameplay. Earning Skelly's second prize can be somewhat challenging - be sure to choose Heat modifiers you're comfortable with and have practiced. Reaching the epilogue and upgrading the Mirror of Night/Weapon Aspects is mostly just a matter of continued playing.

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Celeste isn't just an excellently made platformer, it's also an extremely personal experience. The challenging gameplay makes it easy to empathize with the struggles that Madeline faces as she climbs the mountain. And once you finally reach the top, you feel elated, as though a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Celeste effortlessly weaves themes of depression and self-acceptance into its story. You may cry because you're deeply invested in the story...or because you've restarted a room for the 200th time. Tight controls, clever secrets, and fantastic level design all combine to create an unforgettable game.

100%: Prepare for practice and punishment. Getting all strawberries isn't too bad. The B-sides and C-sides can be particularly challenging. Farewell and the Moon Berry are the ultimate tests of everything you've learned in the game.

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A beautiful tapestry of adventure filled with engaging combat and a heartwrenching story. I never thought it would be possible to be so invested in the story of a wolf, but this game stands as one of my all-time favorites.

Combat and exploration are very Zelda-esque. Every character in the game has their own enticing story to discover. Okami is an experience that you won't want to miss.

100%: Completing the various compendiums will take some time, but aren't overly difficult. Some of the late-game battles can be challenging.



Fun puzzling, but ultimately just too easy without getting harder, and the endless mode is needlessly limiting you to a few puzzle sets that are solved quickly, and the total point limit fails to motivate once the funny numbers stop moving up. Definitely entertaining for a few weeks!

This is a post Relics of the Old Faith DLC Review.

This game is just barely not perfect in my opinion. There's so many amazing things with the colony sim, character interactions, interesting story, and super fun gameplay, but I felt like it started to taper off near the end. There's just little aspects here and there that, upon review, I can tell I wish were improved.

Before the end of the main story, I felt like I hit the devotion cap kinda fast. Having all of the upgrades to my base made me a little sad as I continued to progress through the rest of the game without really having a reason to change it up or add new structures. It just made me little sad to see my cult all grown up and handling life mostly on their own.

Another banger published by Devolver Digital, this game quickly shot up to be one of my favorites. Most of the progression and building is perfect, the combat is fun and different every time, and the out of combat simulation and minigames are perfect for when I need a break from killing bishops and heretics.