"My conscience wants S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to win over the world. And my subconscious is yearning for a slice of juicy Pellicle. But what do I want?"

A fantastically detailed game plagued by a predictably lazy port and heinous controls. Developing ghost pics of the devs and programmers? Using puppy pee to avoid bloodthirsty wolves? S-Tier. However, I don’t need to be reminded this game is 25 years old to forgive its immortal sins. Heed the advice given at the end of game and move on. It should’ve ended with Rex!

LET THE WORLD BE TO ALL EXCEPT THE LAZOREVO NORTH KEROTAN!!!!!! PS, I achieved "It Ain't Easy Being Green" but at what cost?!

55 mins into the unbearable "Tears Are Not Enough" doc from 1985, a wild Joni Mitchell is transfixed with an 8 Ball Action cabinet to pass the time in the recording studio.

Ahh, nothing like a Soulslike with a mad dash to the endgame that feels slightly rushed! It almost feels disingenuous mentioning that but I sincerely enjoy this love letter of a game and appreciate the QOL improvements made to the format.

The audio team are insane for adding the ringtone interruption/"please turn your electronic devices off" commentator bit but it's the sort of unheralded detail I adore in games like this

C'mon everybody! W♥K, the best game in the series, gets better and better with age and this update really reinforces this belief for me. Pure chaos makes for gamer bliss.

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Finally. I wanna drop kick Liquid Eli on a fulton recovery balloon to nowhere.