One of the first games of my childhood. An absolute gem of the NES collection. Great music, atmosphere, and extremely hardcore difficulty. Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden are two games because of which I became a fan of a challenge in the games and started to play From Software games. I love this game and replay it at least once a year.

One of the greatest games of my childhood! I was a big fan of the animation series, and when one of my friends got this game for NES back in the day, it felt like magic. Whenever I visited him, I tried to finish it, but we never had enough time. Darkwing Duck is a great game, one of the best on NES; I'm happy to beat it and finally close this chapter of my life.

AMAZING GAME! Action-packed definition of 90s! Everything exploding, giant robots landing from the sky, and you you have to shoot your way through this apocalypse! Amazing design of the background and enemies and great challenge! For me it's the best game in the Contra series!

It's a great sequel to the original Contra. It became much more hardcore, so playing with your buddy is recommended, as the amount of enemies sometimes is overwhelming. I finally beat this game solo yesterday; what an amazing and challenging journey! Love it!

Beat this game last night with my wife. It was a great experience! Changes of control depending on the direction were a bit awkward at the beginning, but after getting used to it, it was pretty fun! Overall it's a great game with fun gameplay and a nice late 80s-early 90s vibe story!

Finally, beat this great game! When I was a kid, I borrowed the cartridge from my classmate but didn't have time to finish it, as he asked for it back too soon. :(
Finally, after 20+ years, I had a chance to enjoy it entirely; it was a great adventure! I love the progression of available gadgets and a variety of levels. Bosses were sometimes easier than levels themselves. Overall it's a great game! One of the best on NES.