It's a really amazing game with fun combat, beautiful cutscenes, charismatic characters and an excellent story. I saturated a little bit of the game at the end of it because it's a really giant game and I was really tired of his repetitive system of walking a little and then fighting with a bunch of enemies.

Again you are Batman beating up bad guys but now in an open world, story, graphics and setting much better than the predecessor... I loved playing with Catwoman it was also a lot of fun and I would definitely buy her a game in that style if there was one.

A really good atmosphere that uses a lot of darkness to create tension, it has a good story but it really needs you to read the archives to understand. I confess that I expected more from the horror part, since I remember well that this game made youtubers jump with fear a few years ago, some would say it was because it was dated, but it doesn't make any sense... at least for me, this one game is still very modern.

A very short classic game that doesn't take more than 40 minutes to complete but it's fun as hell and very challenging. Much better with a friend by your side👍🏻

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1. I think the 4 lords lacked a little more development and screen time, they're just obstacles that you face like pieces of shit (although they're pretty awesome)

2. And I also hated the factory part...seriously, it's one of the worst things I've seen in Resident Evil


I expected just bizarre and bitching but I also got a lot of cute moments and amazing character development. I just wish it was a little shorter because for me, this kind of game gets cloying after a while, so much so that in the end I just wanted it to be over soon and I ended up skipping a lot of dialogue... really, there are some arcs and useless moments that if taken away would not be missed.

Yes, it's monopoly only now on a console... obviously good with friends🤝🏻

One of the scariest horror games I've ever played, the mansion atmosphere, setting and ghosts made me shit my pants. But unfortunately the gameplay is very repetitive and I ended up getting tired of it at one point... so tired that I dropped the game.

It's the best of Netherealm's mobile games, the fights are much more dynamic in this game, it's not just clicking on the screen and waiting for the bar to fill.

There is no racing game that will ever surpass this masterpiece

It has a fantastic story with one of the best protagonists I have ever seen in a game, it has a very beautiful and very detailed open world, the combat is also sensational and I like how each type of enemy has its weaknesses. There are some bugs that I suffered the whole game that really annoyed me, like the mount would always lock at a specific point and stay frozen for a long time, something bizarre was also how all the human npcs in conversation scenes looked like static robots talking, really bizarre.

It takes all the good stuff from its predecessor and improves it perfectly, and unlike the first one, this one is really fun to play and the story and development are very well done, you get more and more willing to play every minute to find out what will be the end of this story. In fact one of the best horror games ever made.

Once again one of the best games ever created.... RE4 Remake takes everything it has in the original and masterfully improves it, be it graphically (obviously), in the incredible gameplay which for me is the best in the saga, in the environment which is much more immersive and in the character building, Ashley who in the original was an insufferable spoilt, in this game she is very friendly and proves to be much more than a spoiled girl, Luis who was already incredible in the original, is even more so here and his death is much more heartfelt and sad , even Krauser, who I thought was pretty random, I felt like he has a lot more presence in this game... I just didn't like what they did to my boy Salazar, in the original he was a dwarf, funny, spoiled and random and in this one , in addition to almost nothing appearing, it is still a plasticized mummy with no personality. Anyway, it's clear that they had a lot of respect and affection for the original game (different from RE3 Remake) keeping almost everything the same but with some changes that were very welcome for me... Playing this game is almost like revisiting our first time playing the original game as kids, it's incredibly fantastic and nostalgic.

Gameplay is horrible... like it's cool to be able to switch between characters but there are no chests and we have to transform the scenarios into a minefield of items and that's fucking boring.... And I think the story is too crude for a resident evil game and why the hell does the villain look like a final fantasy character?

Very bland and boring compared to all the others... an uninteresting protagonist, an uninteresting power, a story that drags on in RPG nonsense instead of progressing normally, uninteresting characters... I don't know what good I can take from this game besides the graphical evolution which, damn... I was shocked at how beautiful this game is. But anyway... that's it, it was torture playing this because I didn't like anything from the start and it shocks me that some people prefer this crap bomb over LIS2.