A big improvement and obviously much better than MK4 but it looks weird and backward compared to Deception and Armageddon.

It's beautiful graphically and a lot of fun and it also gives me Stephen King vibes, so I really love it

Although I have no idea how to play it, I had a lot of fun.

One of the scariest horror games I've ever played, the mansion atmosphere, setting and ghosts made me shit my pants. But unfortunately the gameplay is very repetitive and I ended up getting tired of it at one point... so tired that I dropped the game.

Like the first one, we were blessed with a beautiful horror atmosphere and an excellent story, this game does just that, but a little inferior to the first one. However, there are insane improvements in graphics and gameplay that are infinitely better.

It is very different from the other resident evil games and it bothered me at first but the engaging story and constant terror made me forget that and I ended up loving the game.

Obviously it's very different and backward compared to the others but it's still a magical game and a lot of fun.

It's a lot of fun but I never knew how to play :P

So difficult I never managed to get in the middle of it.

It follows the same game style as Deadly Alliance and Deception with nothing new (only now without fatality😍🔫). At least Konquest is excellent and the character creation option is really fun and that mortal kombat kart is a masterpiece.

Everything here is superior to the first and has nothing to discuss.

In addition to having one of the best stories in the franchise, the combat is the best and the most fun they've ever done (I loved the tag team😔❤)

Leon's campaign is excellent and by far one of the best things about this game, the others are an elegant clipper, minus Chris's campaign. That shit would do the game very well if it didn't exist. The mercenaries are also excellent and the best they have ever done in the series, I spent hours playing that.