Very beautiful pixel horror game with a great atmosphere and setting and a nice soundtrack, but unfortunately that's all there is to it... The game isn't very fun and ends up being quite boring.

Bloodborne will make you mad with rage at times but the desire to play it to see beautiful scenarios and face bosses with an extremely creative look while playing epic music in the background will always be greater.

I went to play expecting shit because everyone says that this game is bad and the worst in the franchise but I ended up loving it a lot in the end and enjoying it much more than the overrated, Before The Storm. The story is very beautiful and well done, it actually leaves you stuck to know what will happen (I caught myself playing 2 episodes in a day) and the protagonists are amazing, I loved and cared a lot about these boys. But I have to say, the secondary characters here are shallow as fuck and don't make a difference (apart from Karen) and this game suffers from some very boring parts in my opinion, I think it's also due to the absence of a superpowered protagonist, it was very good in the first Life Is Strange, going back several times to see different paths, livened up the gameplay a lot.

Despite being very dated in some points, it's a fucking fun game with a good difficulty and story, Dante is a really cool guy and now I'm looking forward to playing all the others, I fucking loved it.

I absolutely loved everything about this game... the story, music and graphics and the combat itself is so much fun, it made me really want to be a jedi. But I can't help but complain about the bugs in this game that are very constant, in addition to being very poorly optimized, if it wasn't for that I would give it 5 stars.

P.S. Cameron Monaghan is so hot.

Super Warner Bros is a really cute and fun game, I just think it needs more characters and some more interactive maps.

Haunt the House was one of my favorite flash games so it's great to be able to play it again with new additional levels (which are amazing by the way) but I can't help but say how much the controls bother me (on android at least) it is very difficult to control the ghost and the people's artificial intelligence in this one it's really quite annoying, they go around the house a thousand times extremely scared but they don't go away at all, they keep running and repeating the steps as if they were trapped, really annoying.

Despite being very difficult to be taken seriously sometimes, I can't help but praise how unique and different it is from other survival horror games, not to mention the beautiful graphics that impressed me a lot and how fun it is.

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The game has a very slow start that even discouraged me at first but once it really starts, the pace doesn't stop until the end. The graphics are much better than Man Of Medan (and this time without a rendering bug🙏🏻) and the story too, which from the beginning keeps you stuck to know what the fuck is going on, the characters are even good and some well developed but not so much to make you care about their death.

I saw that a lot of people criticize the plot twist of this game for not being a real thing but in my opinion it's a good plot twist... it's just a poor man dealing with his mental problems, it's very creative. I just hate the fact that nothing you do with the characters in the game matters since it's all a hallucination... it sucks.

Good to play with friends or when you have nothing to do.

It has a really good story but the game only gets really good from the middle to the end... I can't help but mention the comic atrocity that is the dubbing of this game that in certain parts seems to come from a comedy movie.


I liked the open world of this game, I liked the parkour which is really amazing but I don't know, I couldn't get excited playing it

So fun, cute, colorful with a phenomenal ost oooh I just loved it.

I'm getting this game wrong because my computer just reset all the game progress from scratch and I don't have the patience to start over from 0. But as far as I was in the game, I was finding it fun, although I think it's a little inferior to First Frights .

I really love this game, it's one of the scariest and the alien's AI is surreal and well done, but this game is very difficult and complicated (at least for me) I spend 3 days just to fulfill a small objective of the game, and how college is destroying me and I barely have time for anything, I think it's better to shelve this game and continue enjoying the little time I have in the easiest and simplest games.