I don't even know where to start talking about this game, it's so amazingly perfect that I could spend hours talking about it.

But in short, it's one of the most complete games I've ever played in my life. The open world is extremely rich, both in beauty and in things to do, and the details.... OMG they make my head explode (SERIOUSLY, THERE IS DECOMPOSITION IN THIS GAME) the story is also very good and very well developed, Arthur he's amazing and simply one of the best protagonists I've ever seen in a game... and the secondary characters are just as good and remarkable as he is.

Very simple compared to the others but still as fun as they are

This game is a medieval version of The Sims Stories with better graphics and much more repetitive, so repetitive as to make you abandon the game

Add in the fact that you can assemble your own team of heroes with a good story and extremely fun levels and bosses and you have one of the best superhero games ever made.

It has a very simple gameplay and several beautiful medieval settings, a good dark atmosphere, an excellent story, charismatic protagonists and a good soundtrack.👍🏻👍🏻

It was the first Sonic game that I actually played and it was everything I expected, a very fun, challenging and colorful game

I was very bored and decided to test this and it was a bad idea, oh my god it's so gross it hurts

Again you are Batman beating up bad guys but now in an open world, story, graphics and setting much better than the predecessor... I loved playing with Catwoman it was also a lot of fun and I would definitely buy her a game in that style if there was one.

It takes all the good stuff from its predecessor and improves it perfectly, and unlike the first one, this one is really fun to play and the story and development are very well done, you get more and more willing to play every minute to find out what will be the end of this story. In fact one of the best horror games ever made.

One of the scariest horror games I've ever played, the mansion atmosphere, setting and ghosts made me shit my pants. But unfortunately the gameplay is very repetitive and I ended up getting tired of it at one point... so tired that I dropped the game.

This review contains spoilers

1. I think the 4 lords lacked a little more development and screen time, they're just obstacles that you face like pieces of shit (although they're pretty awesome)

2. And I also hated the factory part...seriously, it's one of the worst things I've seen in Resident Evil


You are Batman and beat up a bunch of bad guys and villains, is there anything better?

Mentira que tem isso aqui vei kkkkkk