Yes you can play it on DOSBOX, but get gzdoom for god sake.
Avenge daisy damn it.

Great sequel, also if you are a damn satanic you will love the icon of sin.


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DOOM 2016 was the biggest hit 7 years ago, yet I finished it yesterday and it was one of the coolest things ever.

The story is short, the doom slayer wakes up in mars and he's being called by Samuel Hayden a human that rebuilt into a robot tells you about the hell portal that will be opened by olivia, you play 13 levels trying to stop and kill olivia to stop this atrocity, you need to get the crucible from hell so you can stop the portal and kill olivia with it. In the end olivia transforms into mastermind and once you kill her you wake up with samuel in a cell that takes your blade and puts you to sleep.

The storyline is about 7-8 hours long, very few bosses only at the end of the game but it's alright, the twist by the end is pretty predictable imo.

The multiplayer is dead, in 2017 when quake champions released and it took the playerbase of doom but now even that game is dead so yep.

Since it's almost the holidays this game gotta be top 5 of this year imo, it's been sometime since I finished eternal but I think I might replay it one day and compare it to this one.

Overall this game is great, you can find it pretty cheap on steam sales since it's very frequent going on sales so yeah it's a worth pick up.

The hype around this game back in 2020 was something insane. THIS IS A MUST PLAY!

I remember in school me and my best bud at the time talking about star wars and some of the games and we were talking about BF2 and how amazing it is, ugh man missing those days of early gaming discovery back then some information was mind blowing but nowdays if you get this type of interaction as a child it would not be a big deal.

An amazing classic third person action game, with lots of maps and different approaches, one map you will find yourself in kashyyyk fighting aganist the separatists and in another in a huge space conflict.
There no words that can explain the gameplay of the classic BF, the variety of classes and different clones and droids are at a respectable level, back when I played it the first time truly I WAS AMAZED by how much content you get and planets you can visit.

Starting the campaign right from attack of the clones in geonosis as a first generation clone and after that you witness the moments before order 66 by helping jedi master ki-adi mundi and at the last call you participate in the downfall of the jedi, the 501st legion changes and serves the galactic empire alongside darth vader.
You participate as vader's most trusted legion, his most powerful choice, experiencing the events of revenge of the sith till empire strikes back.
Gotta say man, the cutscenes the journal was very emotional, knowing you are that clone/troop. I like how they did the story on this one, hoth was the hardest mission and funny it was the last one, I mean the objective was kinda easy by capturing the base and placing the beacon with the coordinates but the time limit and the amount of rebels were the real problem.

This game is extremely moddable, in the last year after I replayed it I installed some mods that made the game around 55 gigs in total so the dedication for modding community is pretty big.

This is the better version of the recent battlefront 2, the classic one strikes back good, EA had a chance with BF2017 but it was too late for changes instead we got a really forgettable campaign that showed more of the graphics instead of story value and a lot of pay2win garbage.

Worst release ever by EA, the storyline is forgettable...
If they didn't screw this one up it could be easily a good game.

Got this one free on steam and it was worth 2 play.

Great rebirth of the original game, sadly the battle.net version is so messed up with errors.

Endless fun shoot em up game from my childhood.

Played this game with only 5 hearts and 4 rockets.
It was something...

Played the original retail version alongside with counter strike 1.6, cds were something else back in the day

Got the orange box only for this game.

My favorite just cause game ever, had some problems with the steam version but it was aight