The launch is terrible, the game is almost the same as payday 2 and what can be said... People are gonna return to pd2...

Childhood game, the first interaction with a mario game and for me it's so nostalgic.

Major game issues in modern windows os, so yeah emulate it on the windows 98.

This is more approaching to a younger audience, as a teen i would not spend hours upon hours on this game so yeah it's decent.

This was my first open world game ever, i was so exited back in the say seeing the graphics of this game working on my windows xp computer, would replay it cuz lego games are at my heart.

God have mercy, not even quicksaves help you.
The man who completed all the stages is a masochist.

Donkey kong but reversed card, nice climbing mechanism.

Without this game mario 64 and donkey kong 64 wouldn't exist so yeah, also fun for the time.

I need to finish more NES games to be honest.

Growing up I never touched nintendo games, neither mario or zelda. Played/finished tons of games growing up but recently I was just like ehh let's try some ancient games and I picked up super mario bros randomly and it was awesome. For his time this game was amazing that's why I gave it a 5/5 stars cuz if i were an asshole i would just give it a 3 but nah, i will keep it like that. Might actually understand westernes when they talk about these games. Challenging, fun, memorable characters, awesome soundtracks.

Anyways, I will pick up the second game and finish it also, the only nes game that i finished before mario was ghost' n goblins, so yeah.

Look it's alright, played with some friends and it's fun spending time on modded servers with 4chan humour all the time, but still there's so many better zombie games out but this one is a certified hood classic.

A bit fun, everything else is fucking pay2win nexon china winnie da pooh type shiet and another generic free2play game with all the copy pasted assets to try to be fortnite.

play mordhau, for honor, chiv2

only the mods make the game worth, it's like gmod but with skates, it's pretty okay i was surprised that the game is only 5 gigs but yeah it does not beat thu2 or skate 3.

edit: 34 fucking bucks for a unity template?

great platformer, straight to the fun and really not that short for a damn indie game, would recommend it to everyone but it might be deleted since the engine unity will start to charge the developer 20 cents per install... greedy bastards unity...