super fun, fun setting, nothing more to say honestly

soundtrack, gameplay, bosses, and areas were all super challenging in their own way. It felt as if each planet had its own lore to it. Also final planet top tier

super fun, but besides the gameplay it doesnt feel like an amazing game at the same time


really fun, but im so bad at it, but to be honest. Amazing combat

one of the most unique experiences I had with a game, the setting, atmosphere, and overall gameplay felt like a game that should have gotten more attention.

eh, gameplay was kinda disappointing especially since its an arena fighter, which i dont really like

super fun, not the best fighting game, still need some improvements. But as a jojo fighting game its really fun for any fan

Not the best GTA story, but it definitely had one of the most fun stories so far. Combat and driving felt like an improvement, also Franklin is the GOAT

i love the game, feels like being a kid playing games just to play not to be a completionist

combat good, no kizuna system. more focus on big arcs, small arcs get left out

grind fest, but very fun, especially some characters are fun to play. Kizuna system best part

fun, not my type of game but still fun

loved playing as shrek, this game was so fun