Amazing RPG. Still in Act 2 LOL

Quite a bit a fun, but just not quite as engaging as other games that kept pulling me away.

I remember playing Jet Set Radio Future at my cousins house. He had an Xbox and it was the only game he had that I really enjoyed. I was in barely in my infancy as a gamer, and barely remember how it actually played, but I absolutely remember how cool it was to grind around, the soundtrack that didn't sound like anything I heard on the radio back in 2003.

It's 20 years later, and I'm still in love with the formula. I finished the main story in about 14 hours, at a very casual pace, and I'm sad that it's over. The skating was easy and satisfying to pick up, and the sound design + visual effects do a lot to enhance the experience. There's a banging soundtrack curated from the last 20 years of JSRF-sounding funk/electronic/jazz/hip hop music.

Finishing the story is definitely a bit on the easier side. And while I plaud the creative and varied design of all the Burroughs, which I thought was stellar throughout, it would have been nice to have more diversity in the challenges you do on each stage. I'd also love any kind of time trials or extra 'challenge levels' after beating the main game to really test my expertise of the skating mechanics.

This one is exactly what it looks like on the wrapper. Pick it up if you like what you see!

A lot of fun, but it unlike other rougelikes I'm kind of feeling close to "completing" it, which I wouldn't say is a good thing. Overall just feels a little content lite for it's genre.

This game is like speed running: the roller coaster. A fantastic collection of levels, plenty of room for optimization that I left on the table.

Gotta make time to come back to this one.