Encountered one incredibly frustrating glitch, and not sure how I feel about story beats near the end, otherwise loved this! Fantastic setting and villains. I also really appreciate the option to play in 3rd person again, even if it's paid DLC.

an improvement over the original in every way despite still being buggy and a bit repetitive near the end. great final boss though.

there were a few moments where I felt punished for trying to play the game out of order, which were frustrating in a game that otherwise encourages so much freedom. Aside from that, insane video game.

didn't love the first person perspective and the final boss was a bit anticlimactic. great aside from other minor design choices and probably the scariest in the series from what I've played, especially in VR.

might slightly prefer the more horror and puzzle focused re2, but easily one of the best action games out there.

genuinely pretty funny and the level design isn't bad, wish the controls and camera were less jank

don't mind short games but I felt it a little more here with the reused content from re2. really fun time but not nearly as tense as that predecessor. decent story except for the cartoon villain.

thought i'd like this more. sacrifices the much-needed (albeit sometimes unfair) difficulty of previous games in favor of making sora hilariously overpowered. while the power trip is fun enough at first, the charm quickly wears off when you realize you can beat the whole game by mashing the x button. what really makes this such a slog is the story, with constant, never-ending cutscenes overstuffed with tedious exposition and laughably robotic voice acting. the game is impressive in terms of visuals and sound design, though I almost prefer the charm of the primitive PS2 graphics for this kind of thing as there's sometimes so much action and so many particle effects onscreen that its often hard to discern what's happening. the music is also great, though the most memorable tracks are all borrowed from previous games. and speaking as someone who plays these games for the disney worlds, I really disliked the choice to base all the worlds (except hercules and winnie the pooh I guess) on properties from the previous decade. the frozen world is especially bad with its incredibly awkward retelling of the movie's plot, down to the unintentionally hilarious let it go recreation. that's not to mention that the level design in the this world, and generally the rest of the game, is pretty boring. I think I am done with this series now.

bit surprised by the low average rating but its not without its flaws. its inherently repetitive nature, while being what drew me to the game in the first place, does get tedious when you hear the same exact dialogue on loop and inevitably go through trial and error between the branching paths. despite that, it had a very enagaging mystery that kept me thinking when I wasn't playing. worthwhile experience and one of the more inventive games I've played recently.

trials were really fun but investigations got a bit tedious imo

also the blue badger jar puzzle is one of the worst design choices I've ever experienced in a video game

pretty much perfected halo's gameplay, but is otherwise shockingly buggy and lacking in content even this long after release. the campaign is fun but, at least in this case, I prefer the linear format since the open world was pretty one-note.

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6 boss fights in a row are you kidding me

Not sure I like the way this particular halo game looks, and I did encounter one game breaking bug. Otherwise a good time but not a game-changer like the previous entries.