While Crash 2 gets better everytime I play it, Crash 3 gets worse. Former childhood favorite, now drops further and further everytime I replay it. Just way too many gimmicks. I don’t even think most of them are bad per se, just kinda lame and uninteresting. (besides the pura levels :3) Depressing since the traditional levels are so damn good and Uka-Uka and N. Tropy fucking rule

The platforming is the only moderately fun part, which sucks since the racing is more than half the game. Unfortunately, Radical brought such a gross vibe to the series which ruins any enjoyment that could be had

One of my least favorite phrases that you see a lot on the internet is “it's a good game, just not a good “x” game”. Like, are your preconceived notions of what your favorite game series should be so narrow and unimaginative that anything out of the ordinary is immediately put into the “other” category? Or is it more of an effort to weakly defend your tastes by “othering” it, automatically conceding that it's not a real “x” game? Either way I hate when people do that and I hate this game. It's an abysmal game AND an abysmal Crash game

How do you make an absymal game even worse? Make it open world with fixed camera angles, constant backtracking and embarrasing pop culture references. One of the worst games I've ever played, so happy Radical were only allowed to make three disasters before Activision put Crash on hiatus

ugly with worse music and fucked up hitboxes but it's mostly intact so it's enjoyable. just really no reason to play any of these over the originals unless you suck at Crash 1 or really like poorly implemented relics

disgusting mobile microtransaction slop - wait it has glup shitto character from 90's LCD game that only true Crash fans like me would remember? nevermind, it's peak

Amazing visual and aural style. Simple, yet incredibly expressive moveset. Stays focused and concise for the whole game. Just peak.

Genuinely the worst camera I have ever seen in a video game. Everybody that complains about the camera in games where it's completely fine (RE/SH/SM64) needs to be strapped down à la A Clockwork Orange and forced to beat Dante Must Die with no items

the dub is funny for exactly 2 lines and outside of that is awful, use the restoration patch

Naughty Dog locked the fuck in and made the greatest racing game of all time. insane. they should've got to meet bill clinton for this shit man it's that good

miserable DLC to cap off a miserable game. against all odds they managed to make Vergil boring in both combat and personality. six missions and one of them is recycled. the only boss fight is recycled from the base game. disheartening that studios like this get bought out by Microsoft

only good thing about this game is the clip into the final boss's portal, which lets you beat the game in a couple of minutes. now I can mark it as "completed" without being a lying scumbag

Completely and utterly incompetent. Combat approaches mediocrity but then awful bosses and some awful enemies ruin it entirely. Revolting in every other possible aspect, especially the abundance of unscripted walking sections and constant cutscenes that either show the next ten seconds of gameplay or zoom in on Dante’s ugly ass face so we know his reaction to every situation

Fixes most of the Spyro 2 issues like bad pacing, lame collectables, and the backtracking is better designed and much easier to skip. Seriously, you can skip all the backtracking with a youtube search and a couple minutes of attempts at most. The new characters are more interesting to play than Spyro 2's minigames, the story, world, and characters are more developed, and the levels are overall more fun. Still has some annoying minigames and it probably wasn’t the best idea to add FIVE new playable characters, (maybe add two or three and develop them further), but it’s a good final entry in the series. Wish they made a fourth one that was an actual game. Toys for Bob if you can hear us please save us Toys for Bob

The AI designer should be locked in a shipping container until he achieves 200% (just kidding!) 4/10 if you aren't a masochist