Easily the best non-ND entry, and the first to have actual new, interesting ideas. Everybody that acts like this is glitchy, short, or unfinished is an unthinking sheep led astray by millennial YouTubers. Glitches are not common at all, the game is just slightly shorter than any other Crash game, and the game isn’t unfinished, it just has a lot of cut content (yes, these are different)

Really good but personally I think it needed a few more gimmick enemy types that completely interrupt the flow of combat and can only be defeated in maybe two ways

Somehow feels blander than all the new soup games. Zero desire to stick a theme outside of “hey remember Mario 3?” Movement sucks, and this is where Mario games became extremely annoying to 100% and unlock the final level

Somehow too short and too padded at the same time. Fury Bowser is cool but quickly turns into an annoyance rather than a threat. Mario goes Super Saiyan though so it does get points for that

Has Dick, it's peak. Surprisingly great atmosphere with the Elfman score

Good, but loses the amazing atmosphere and vibe of the first and doesn't make up for it. The green stars are some of the most boring shit in any Mario game as well, thank god for dolphin emulator

game fucks, loaded with charm. crazy how much they nailed it first try. has sound effects that will never be surpassed in any game ever

the Metal Gear Solid 4 of Mario games

Replaying this and realizing it has slow and limiting movement feels like a loved one has perished

Such an amazing game with an uncompromising primary mechanic and fast, fluid movement. Looks great, sounds great. Has overt nostalgia-baiting that's actually fun and interesting. The mandatory motion controls are insane but who cares, this coming out after years of corporate mario slop felt like Jesus had risen

Blah blah blah the minigames suck. Everybody says that. They're right, but honestly, even disregarding them it’s still a lesser experience than Spyro 1. The pacing is awful. There's a seasonal theme to the homeworlds, so you’d think there’d be four, right? Nope, just three, no spring. The second homeworld lasts almost half the game. The third one only has four actual levels and the primary collectable is just abandoned. Instead, you need to collect the lamest shit imaginable, nondescript magic orbs.

Then there’s the backtracking. Constant backtracking to grab the last orb or gems, but only after replaying the whole level, and sometimes even the first part of a minigame to get to the second one. Fortunately, you can use the cool double jump glitch to skip some backtracking, but more often than not the levels don't allow it.

Everything that carries over directly from Spyro 1 is obviously good, like the art direction, OST, movement, etc. The writing is a bit more involved, which I'm not too sure about, but it's mostly funny. Everything else just feels like Insomniac did their best to make the game as tedious as possible. Surely Insomniac won’t make a trend of making an amazing first game, ignore what made it great in the first place, and make a mediocre follow up

Peak 2D Mario. On top of the fantastic pixel art, music, level design, Yoshi, etc, SMW is just an amazing physics engine. Nintendo mastered the 2D platformer so early that fans have been making romhacks using their framework since

insane how this game alone clears most Mario Kart games

Easily the best NES game, holds up so well. Tight controls and great level design outside of the absurdly long autoscrollers (pretty much the entirety of world 8). Cool ass powerups we’ll never see again like the hammer suit and frog suit. It’s also got this extremely distracting artifacting on the right side of the screen due to the NES’s scrolling limitations that I never see anyone mention. seriously how does it bother no one else

video games peaked aesthetically here