not the worst game ever, some decent platforming if you can withstand the music. only thing that really knocks it out of the park is that gay little dance he does when you get collectables

Has Dick, it's peak. Surprisingly great atmosphere with the Elfman score

miserable DLC to cap off a miserable game. against all odds they managed to make Vergil boring in both combat and personality. six missions and one of them is recycled. the only boss fight is recycled from the base game. disheartening that studios like this get bought out by Microsoft

Completely and utterly incompetent. Combat approaches mediocrity but then awful bosses and some awful enemies ruin it entirely. Revolting in every other possible aspect, especially the abundance of unscripted walking sections and constant cutscenes that either show the next ten seconds of gameplay or zoom in on Dante’s ugly ass face so we know his reaction to every situation

Somehow too short and too padded at the same time. Fury Bowser is cool but quickly turns into an annoyance rather than a threat. Mario goes Super Saiyan though so it does get points for that

Such an amazing game with an uncompromising primary mechanic and fast, fluid movement. Looks great, sounds great. Has overt nostalgia-baiting that's actually fun and interesting. The mandatory motion controls are insane but who cares, this coming out after years of corporate mario slop felt like Jesus had risen

Solid ass game, feels great to control with five unique characters, and finally has unique enemies and environments. Only huge issue is these animals expect you to beat the game FIVE times to unlock the final level!! Are you serious miyamoto-san????

It’s the same exact thing. Challenges kinda rule though, wish they'd bring those back

Exceedingly mediocre, and the “impossible pack” DLC really shows Nintendo is incapable of designing fun but difficult levels

Somehow feels blander than all the new soup games. Zero desire to stick a theme outside of “hey remember Mario 3?” Movement sucks, and this is where Mario games became extremely annoying to 100% and unlock the final level

Good, but loses the amazing atmosphere and vibe of the first and doesn't make up for it. The green stars are some of the most boring shit in any Mario game as well, thank god for dolphin emulator

like that same white bread and bologna sandwich, except this time you get some mustard, only the mustard was hid by some incompetent moron in a spot you'll never find without using youtube

abysmal game but incredible time capsule of mid-2000s internet zeitgeist

It's insane how awful this is and it's still probably not even top 3 worst Spyro games. Inspirational

I almost fainted when I pressed A after jumping and Spyro double jumped instead of gliding. Then I got to the first Blink minigame and I died in real life