just awful in pretty much every way. level design is tedious and convoluted, enemies and bosses are either incredibly annoying gimmicks, or they're just comatose and basically let you kill them. story sucks. lady and trish and crazy underutilized, and antagonists have zero character whatsoever. where the fuck is Vergil? Nero is almost cool but unfortunately his primary mechanic feels janky as hell. on top of all that there's maybe a third of actual content. dumbass game is so lucky DMC2 exists

especially beautiful for such an early 3D game. Overflowing with personality and unmatched in the atmospheric environment design. Gameplay-wise it's fine, wish the gems were lined up better to avoid backtracking and there were less obtusely hidden crates

fantastic premise, unfortunately I was too good and broke the game

really impressive for a Game Boy launch title. Feels understandably jank but it’s so cool how weird this game and the sequel are

Tekken 1 AI designer and Crash Bash AI designer should be forced into gladiatorial combat to decide their fates

Keeps the weirdness of SML1 while improving the mechanical aspects. fuck the boring ass grass world, desert world, ice world. here’s a big ass tree, a pumpkin, and a turtle

13 years out from F-Zero and they still couldn't figure this shit out

It's insane how awful this is and it's still probably not even top 3 worst Spyro games. Inspirational

I almost fainted when I pressed A after jumping and Spyro double jumped instead of gliding. Then I got to the first Blink minigame and I died in real life

not the worst game ever, some decent platforming if you can withstand the music. only thing that really knocks it out of the park is that gay little dance he does when you get collectables

The 2nd best collectathon released in 1998 (play Spyro instead, this is dogshit)

could be so good if you didn't have to play through the same levels four times over

does not have the strength of recognizable characters that other Lego games have. who the fuck is Captain Katanga?

genuinely impressive how mechanically unsatisfying this game is even after seven years of development. two stars for Raiden

Loses some of the swag of the first game with its boring and disjointed environments, but makes up for it by having some of the best movement and level design ever in a platformer. Shame about the bosses though they suck
