Naughty Dog locked the fuck in and made the greatest racing game of all time. insane. they should've got to meet bill clinton for this shit man it's that good

The AI designer should be locked in a shipping container until he achieves 200% (just kidding!) 4/10 if you aren't a masochist

It's insane how awful this is and it's still probably not even top 3 worst Spyro games. Inspirational

really impressive for a Game Boy launch title. Feels understandably jank but it’s so cool how weird this game and the sequel are

Completely and utterly incompetent. Combat approaches mediocrity but then awful bosses and some awful enemies ruin it entirely. Revolting in every other possible aspect, especially the abundance of unscripted walking sections and constant cutscenes that either show the next ten seconds of gameplay or zoom in on Dante’s ugly ass face so we know his reaction to every situation

Keeps the weirdness of SML1 while improving the mechanical aspects. fuck the boring ass grass world, desert world, ice world. here’s a big ass tree, a pumpkin, and a turtle

Tekken 1 AI designer and Crash Bash AI designer should be forced into gladiatorial combat to decide their fates

disgusting mobile microtransaction slop - wait it has glup shitto character from 90's LCD game that only true Crash fans like me would remember? nevermind, it's peak

13 years out from F-Zero and they still couldn't figure this shit out

not the worst game ever, some decent platforming if you can withstand the music. only thing that really knocks it out of the park is that gay little dance he does when you get collectables

The 2nd best collectathon released in 1998 (play Spyro instead, this is dogshit)

visually repulsive with elementary schooler level design

could be so good if you didn't have to play through the same levels four times over

does not have the strength of recognizable characters that other Lego games have. who the fuck is Captain Katanga?

genuinely impressive how mechanically unsatisfying this game is even after seven years of development. two stars for Raiden