very fun and creative puzzle game with a really cool atmosphere and no hand holding, the level design is incredible and the game can be approached so many different ways. All of the tools the main character gets to complete puzzles with feel really good to use and don't overstay their welcome as you often get a new tool or concept with a good pace. This is especially important since the game has no combat and instead relies on its creative puzzles. There are a lot of really cool moments in the game and it finds a way to always surprise you. the sound design is really good and helps create the incredible mysterious atmosphere. Overall the game is solid at everything it tried to accomplish and my only complaint was that it was fairly short.


pretty cool concept for a fighting game and the execution was fairly good making a character that ages upon death while also getting stronger. I enjoyed the level design and with the plot of the game you need to replay levels to try and get through them as young as possible but with only five levels and them all being fairly well thought out with multiple paths this didn't feel like boring. the hand to hand combat might be some of the best in gaming, however the upgrade system didn't feel that useful to me and with the game being fairly difficult specifically some of the boss fights, the feeling like my character wasn't getting any better with upgrades did feel bad. Overall it is a solid and innovative fighting game that isn't super long and thankfully isn't open world, however does have a bit of a skill gap.

looked like a really cool spin on the fps genre and it can be some fun for a few hours however the combat gets stale pretty quick as most enemies feel spongey and boring to fight, the story is just ok and while it is set in an interesting world the dialogue and interactions make it feel boring.

Every aspect of the game is incredible, with great characters and story as well as the worldbuilding and combat. Not normally someone who enjoys turn based combat however Materia system is incredibly complex and leads to a lot of fun combinations. Didn't really use summons that much as they felt ether too weak in most cases or too strong in the case of knights of the round. the exploration slowly opening up as the game progressed was cool to see and see how the locatios are connected and how to get from one place to another. I enjoyed how certain characters were optional and how every character had a ultimate weapon and final limit break as well as how characters who aren't in the party still leveled up at a slower rate which made it so you can switch out at times. random encounters were slightly annoying towards the end of the game after I had basically max characters but it wasn't to bad. All in all this is a near perfect game that everyone even those who aren't fans of JRPG's or turn based games should play.

nothing crazy with the gameplay, its just a cute game of unpacking boxes throughout the characters life, there are some additional awards given for interacting with stuff in niche ways. not really any complaints and as the game is only a few hours long makes for an easy platinum.

Outside of final fantasy this is probably my favorite turn based game I've every played. It is not usually a style of game I like however the combat being changed to have timing for additional damage or defense, as well as removing random encounters and the need to grind enemy's made the combat feel incredibly fun. The story is serviceable however the ending is incredibly disappointing and the true ending required a lot to get to and wasn't that much better. enemy's had a ton of variety and most of the special and ultimate moves were cool. Another good thing the game does with gameplay is allow you to switch which party members are in the fight without having to waste a turn or pre set a lineup which in most rpgs I've played ends up leading to certain character being completely left out.

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gameplay improved from previous spiderman games giving more combat options, however even on the highest difficulty the game didn't feel that hard which I know isn't the point it just would have been cool to utilize all of the options given. Transversal is also improved at first I thought the web wings were going to make travel boring but in combination with swinging the and the trick system is still as satisfying as the first game. Story is great and it is cool to see many iconic villains in the optional content making the world feel like spiderman has been around for longer than you have been playing. Kraven stole the stage at every moment and everything they did with him was phenomenal, I felt like they could have done something cool with his family and had them come after he dies in search of revenge which could have led to cool boss fights in the open world, and I though making harry venom was Intriguing. Some of the MJ missions felt unnecessary and took away from the action in pivotal moments.

One of the best stories in fiction with an compelling story and characters, visuals are incredible including small details in animations. The actual gameplay feels better than the original release of the game as the gun play and scavenging and managing of resources feels satisfying without being overtly difficult. Not much to complain about other than the fact that the game probably didn't need a remake.

very creative concept for a game that allows the player to solve levels in creative ways, as well as keeping the entire game interconnected with cool interactions with items from other levels. Completing the entire list of to-do items is the best way to play as it makes you approach levels in different ways and there are a lot of really cool attention to detail moments. It's surprisingly fun to be an annoying goose in a small town.

fairly boring puzzle game with stiff controls, still not awful for a half hour or so

just a worse version of

graphics are amazing and the game looks like a pixar movie, the combat isn't awful but could have more options. story is decent and there isn't much negative to say about the game.

fun with a friend for a few hours, but has some buggy moments and lackluster content compared to a lot of other survival games.

not quite as good as the first game, however the atmosphere is still really immersive and the combat is good. The research mechanic feels much better than the first game and some of the changes work like the adition of the big sister and being able to harvest Adam multiple times with each little sister, the ending fell a little flat for me and I didn't feel anywhere near as invested as the first game.


creative gimmick that provides for a fun hour or two with some cool moments