Has a special place in my heart due to it being the only fighting game that I got to play in the arcade regularly. movesets cool as shit and so was the combos. ran Law/Hwoarang everytime and never got bored.


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I'd play a full rufus game ngl

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Arts spam really fun but they dropped the ball storywise man, you can't convince me that osborne was a good person and also fuck this "curse" shit. I don't even hate the cold steel franchise that much but man. this shit is ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS storywise.

Not really into touhou but heard that there was a dungeon clawler based around it, I went into this game not really expecting much but came out of it blown away. probably one of my favorite dungeon crawler game bosses were great, the vibe of the game was also great. check it out if you like dungeon crawler games especially older smt titles.

Great story and fun characters, gameplay was also alright. but at the same time I felt like the game was missing something maybe this is due to my expectation of the game, but as a rail road story focused experience it was fun, it just felt as though they could've done more especially with the open world and the environment.

As others have stated already the game feels like a roadtrip with your bros, the combat was eh and so was the general plot but the character interactions made the game enjoyable IMO.

an improvement on the first devil survivor game gameplay wise but sadly a downgrade in terms of the routes and the story. but gameplay was really fun tho and hearing Kenji Ito's composition in a megaten game is cool.

An interesting concept, had a lot of goofy dialogues but the story and concept was alright

Soundtrack was good, combat was alright although I prefer the combat of ys compared to it, the story and the characters felt eh but the overall experience was enjoyable enough that I managed to finish it

not really the biggest fan of certain aspects of the VN, but was a decent read felt kinda too long but most of the routes were decent. soundtrack was alright too.

A timesink, put a lot of hours into this game but it was kinda fun. the variety of builds due to classes and the type of grids you could build made it fun to try to solo some of the harder raids in the game and optimize stuff for guild wars/ect. prob the most fun gacha atleast for me

Really fun, prob the most hours I've put into a tactics game.

Read it a few years ago and got to re read it after the official english translation came out, PEAK probably one of the most fun VN to read. cool scenes, cool character interactions just a great experience overall. prob my fav or my 2nd favorite work from type moon glad that this finally got an official english release.

Fun to fuck around with friend for a bit but gets boring in a while, feels like any survival games on steam. idk about the pricing for other regions but not worth buying on a full price on a discount tho? maybe, but only if you have friends to play with.