11 Reviews liked by obliviousMystic

yeah save a cow, milk the milkman

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I know basically nothing about Homestuck or Andrew Hussie so maybe some of the subtext is lost on me but in a vacuum, I found following Zheng's story to be a very interesting character study. She was an unlikeable protagonist and a bad person, which was why it was /so frustrating/ that I was also rooting for her at many points and agreeing with some of the things she said. It was very cathartic to watch her bring the world to its knees and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see how far the author would take it, and in the end he took it as far as he could.

Zheng was right- the capitalist machine and the spirit of imperialism are far too entrenched in our cultural psyche for us to ever truly escape them so there really was no "winning" against them. It's easy to complain that the narrative lets her off the hook for her actions but I feel like her stepping away was... if not /the/ correct choice, then at least /a/ correct choice. She already failed, her "revolution" just wound up recreating the same systems again because she and the people around her couldn't truly conceive of anything else, and so her ultimate victory was to just extract herself from everything as much as possible. It was no more selfish of a choice than staying, and staying would have meant dying, and having her die out of some misguided sense of honor would have been too cruel of an ending for a game that was already so harrowing.

A lot of things are left unsolved at the end but I didn't mind it because honestly, it felt truer than having them wrapped up. In particular it was fitting that we never really get to see what becomes of Earth in the end because, well, we never found a solution for the problems so we don't get to see anything solved. The cosmic invaders plot fizzling out also made sense because divine intervention from above was never coming, and besides, who cares about space imperialism when we already have imperialism here on Earth? The only storyline that really gets resolved is the Zheng/Abby plot, and that's because they're actual human beings who are able to stand and speak and reckon together.

For similar reasons I don't think the story really had a moral, but my takeaway was that our culture is rotten to the core, but, BUT, individual people aren't, and when we start thinking of people only in the abstract sense (be it as names on a screen or bodies in a revolution) then we lose. You are never going to be perfect, hell in the grand scheme of things you might even be a bad person, but being a dick about it is the least helpful thing imaginable. And stop hurting yourself, that doesn't help either.

Speaking of the game itself and not just the story, I actually really liked the art style. The pixelated photos with simple drawings overlaid was a striking visual style and the designs of the clowns were fun. The music got a bit annoying but it wasn't in the way or anything like that.

Leon vs Jake vs Piers, all are oiled up and naked, who's winning the twerk off?

short twink gets angry and attempts genocide

Abortion rights are human rights.

game slaps and you all are too chicken shit to admit it.

none of you freaks have reading comprehension

psycholonials is a mixing pot mess of authorial self hatred, pandemic and lockdown issues, the slow collapse of the government to fascism as the world burns, fandom and parasocial relationships eating away at you to the core. its a work both deeply autobiographical and tuned into the larger desire for change. a fucking desparate singular need for escape with the chaos of trying to make a world even possible to escape into. it feels pretty clear that the intent is for someone to go in having knowledge of hussie and his work and most likely for you to have a mental image of hussie, and hopefully at least realise that at the end of the day you dont have a picture of hussie in any way and that you dont know him and its weird to assume so from his work. pyscholonials is full on a fucking mess but its one that wants you to go in knowing that and pretty much does the most it can with what it offers you.

I don't know what hussie did to most of you for you to feel so angry about someone else or someone's work, but it's such a weird thing to see. anyway, it's not that i think this is even close to perfect, it just so happens to be the type of shit that makes my brain go brrr so i loved it!

Anyone who has said that motion controls are bad haven’t played this game

This is holy skung. I'm talking some real jank shit. Some real fucking stupid ass early 2000s Japanese to English translation and voice acting shit. Some dumbass mo-cap type shit. Real fucking stank shit. Main villain turning into a biological weapon fish girl with heels built in cause fuck it, trans rights are the shit, bro.

In an alternate universe, Moira Burton and Chloe Price would be the best of friends.