Fun game but combined with my bootleg stylus it irreversably destroyed my DS screen

babby me's first mario game, good times good times

game brought us ashley what else can I say

didnt really embiggen my brain tbh

good game with friends and actually feels really good when you do well.
nothing more pog than a double gold hook reverse uno play

The best main line pokemon game. Insane postgame, makes me wish I could relive that spark with newer pokemon games

Undisputed master of party game on school bus rides, taught me how to trash talk from a young age

Enjoyable good zelda game, the open nonlinear nature meant the difficulty and complexity stayed the same and there wasnt any synergy between items

The only mobile game I played for more than 1 day actually kinda fun and unlike most gachas you can actually play well and progress without realmonies

my brain gives me happy chemicals when the number gets larger

Fun game. The puzzles were mostly good but the game kinda lost me a bit at the end

Fun puzzles, good story, decent characters.
Super solid game and my favourite in the series

My entire childhood and the game that singlehandedly made me fall in love with gaming. Undisputed GOAT.
Still a 5/5 even without the kiddo bias

Actually so fucking good
Emet Selch / 5