There Are No Games Like God Hand

These are games I've heard compared to God Hand. What games would you compare to God Hand? Is there anything as good as God Hand? Please... let me in on it.

Resident Evil 4: The Mercenaries
Resident Evil 4: The Mercenaries
Specifically playing as Krauser. He is a lot of fun, and it does turn RE4R into a more brawling style crowd control game, but I'm afraid it's no God Hand.
The Callisto Protocol
The Callisto Protocol
Heard it has a similar dodge to God Hand. Haven't played it.
Evil West
Evil West
Haven't played it
Has a fun high and low dodge, but the combat feels like a more complex Arkham/Assassins Creed, which is fun and can be challenging, but not God Hand.
Suggested by @87th. I see what they mean. Despite being an FPS, Doom shares the crowd control aspect of God Hand, and for me at least it gets the blood pumping in a similar fashion. There's also the GH-esque Glory Kill system, where you hit a button to perform a special move on stunned enemies. (No suplexes though.)
Asura's Wrath
Asura's Wrath
Unfortunately plays nothing like God Hand, but a good time. Maybe somewhat tonally God Hand esque since it evokes the feeling of an OVA.
God Hand
God Hand
Kenka Bancho
Kenka Bancho
Suggested by @letshugbro. A 3d brawling game where you unlock moves and can customize your moveset.


4 months ago

Kenka Bancho baby

4 months ago

I'm similarly afflicted. It's caused me to buy MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns, but the closest I've felt is probably Doom (2016).

4 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions fellas

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