u cannot be sad while playing a kirby game

amazing music and art direction
i loved the combat system too, its a rogue-like where anything can be your weapon, so you can literally throw a chair at crypto-bros , GOTY

pokemon but good
i didnt like the combat system tho, the anime was a big part of my childhood so recently i gave the game a try
its basic child fun

amazing combat system, one of the best mecha games

i love dual wielding gun mommy
combos are kinda hard but fun to execute, seriously i played the combos training thingie more than the online lol

i love watching my opponent play the game and me not getting to play the game

really fun for short time plays
i wish there was a way to craft card, hell id even like booster packs, instead of getting them randomly on leveling and etc
tho there's no archetypes as far as i know in this game, some cards work well with other yes but most cards are valuable in every deck

competitive tetris goes hard
so addicting that when im not playing tetris the pieces are literally falling inside my head (i think this is a medical condition send help)

lvl1 crook vs lvl99 mafia boss the game 2

lvl 1 crook vs lvl99 mafia boss the game

are you tired of just hearing music ? what if you can SEE MUSIC ?


the only pokemon game i played and the best pokemon i played