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Fantastic game, doesn't get the praise it deserves.

A lot of people find the story underwhelming (I used to as well), and while it suffers from being the second act in a planned trilogy the writing is actually very solid when you take the time to fully explore conversations and hidden emails. Marchenko is a decent villain, with some further depth and more presence in the story I think he could have been something great, especially if they had fully developed the idea that Jensen is a 'brother' to some of the radical augmented. The game seemed to finally be beginning the links to the original Deus Ex, and I was really hooked to see where they would take plot points like Eliza/Morgan Everett, the traitor(s) within TF29 and Jensen's likely showdown with Page going forward - Having a strong hook for the next game is a sign of GOOD writing rather than weak writing in my opinion.

Gameplay is amazing, it's Human Revolution but perfected. Though I feel that the experimental augmentations - while interesting from a story perspective - is undercooked in terms of gameplay, I think that some of your original augmentations should have received an upgrade of sorts (i.e maybe the strength augmentation would have been upgraded to let you punch through walls SILENTLY), becoming experimental in the process and encouraging players to reevaluate what they thought they knew about previous augmentations, but the punishment for overclocking would have been more severe to compensate. As it is now only a few experimental augmentations are useful for stealth (Which this game heavily leans toward) and the punishment for overclocking is negligible.

Prague is one of the best hub worlds I've ever explored, it feels like every single building is used for something, and every playthrough I discover something new. This game is proof that a smaller open world packed full of details and areas for you to explore can be just as good, if not better than a massive but largely empty open world.

9.5/10, an absolute tragedy that the next game has likely been canned for the foreseeable future.

Has a bad reputation but it's actually pretty good. It's worth playing if you're a fan of the series and just want a fun game that you don't have to take too seriously.

The camera is the worst part about the game, it somehow manages to be even more janky than the original Yakuza 1. Fighting hordes of zombies is quite a lot of fun, but mutants are generally a slog to fight and the bosses range from just okay to dreadful due to generally requiring precise aiming on erratic, fast-moving targets.

Story is basically nonexistent and is essentially just an excuse to have you running through different levels throughout the city - this isn't a complaint, I actually think it works well for Dead Souls. There are some legitimately good character moments, though some character beats never get revisited after this game (for some reason). Akiyama is a joy as always, as was Kiryu; Majima & Ryuji were also very good in this game.
