I loved this game when it came out. Played it for like 100h.

Best Naruto game on the PS3/XBOX360 Generation.

This is still fun today. Gameplay isn't anything that is on a competitive level like a Street Fighter game, but the series reached a point with where the gameplay is really fun, decently deep but still simple enough for anybody to pick it up and get quite good in a short amount of time.

1 Step forward from Storm 2 gameplay wise, but it's a filler entry of the series. Skip this and play Storm 3.

This entry introduced Online play and was really fun back in the day. Underdeveloped fighting mechanics compared to later entries.

Underdeveloped slow fighting mechanics (gets way better with sequels), fun open world gameplay.

Dead, unsupported and forgotten game. But it was actually a good 3D Windjammers interpretation. Fun with friends.

Good gameplay, awesome artstyle and I liked how challenging it was.

I still owe this game a fair shot. I was in my Tekken and Monster Hunter World Phase when it came out. I'll play it eventually.

These games are all similarly good to me. Simple fun.

This wasn't worse than U2 in any way for me.

I loved this entry of the series.

An okay first entry to an amazing series.

Platined it and played it for 700h.