Gameplay can be frustrating, but I think that's intentional.

Probably one of the best FPS games ever.


Great shooter. A bit too long for my taste. Gameplay didn't really justify the length of the game for me. I was a bit board toward the end.

yeah idk, it felt like an Ubisoft game and I don't like those. Maybe I'll try it again at a later point.

One of the most brilliant games ever.

Gameplay wise this should have been an Evolution from Storm 4, but it feels like Storm 2. Less combo variety. Ranked Online is locked to 30fps, which is ridiculous.

Great, short game. Miles' powers are more fun than Peters'. 8/10.

I played through the story and now I'll get my Druid to Level 100. After that I'll star a new class. I guess I'm playing this for a few 100 hours.

Skipped all the story sequences, because it's so addicting that you just wanna keep going. How good the gameplay loop is really depends on the class you chose. If you get bored, maybe try another one.
Game looks and plays great but...

...what I really dislike about the game tho is that online is always required and there are micro stutters on every graphics setting. I don't know if it has anything to do with it being online all the time, but it definitely took away from the experience a little.
Also, this was a 70€ game and they are selling cosmetic skins for 25+€. 1 single skin! I don't have anything against a game that is getting supported for years and therefore they're trying to generate profits with some cosmetics.
I would support the devs and buy something, but I'm not spending 25+€ on 1 skin! I'd gladly give them 100€ over time when I put hundred of hours into this, but I'm not spending that amount on only 3 skins. Make them 5-10€ and I'll buy 10.

8/10. I'm taking away 2 points for always online (and the micro stutters) and gross business tactics when it comes to MTX.

Played through it with my GF. This is a brilliant game. GOTY deserved.

Excellent RE game, but Ethan is just a bad protagonist. Nothing that comes out of his months sounds like anything a normal human being would say in his situation. All his reactions are either overacted, or way too calm. I hope CAPCOM is done with him.

Beautiful short little game, with an amazing Multiplayer implementation. Played through it a few times. Honestly perfect for what it is.

Stopped playing after like 80 hours. This is the only Monster Hunter game that has TOO MUCH content in my opinion. The end-game grind is just tedious.